As you know, I was afflicted with a serious case of blog burnout, which was directly followed by an epic (but awesome) work project that left no time for blogging. So although I've been totally re-inspired recently, I've only had time to do a little twittering (tweeting?), a little tumbling (tumblring?), and a lot of actual work.
Now my project is winding down, and I've got a ton of new ideas and great reader questions to answer. I'm toying with the idea of adding a daily feature in addition to the usual content, something like a daily cheap Etsy find or a daily haiku. Any opinions/ideas/preferences? I asked my boyfriend, who suggested a Daily Carson Daly Quote, which I'm trying out today:
"Tara [Reid] is such an amazing actress. She's so good at what she does. I learned a lot from watching her."
-Carson Daly