1. It was cold.
2. I got sick. And remained sick until a few days ago. (This is why it took me an extra week to get back to blogging.)
3. We accidentally went to Honolulu during Pro Bowl weekend, which meant sharing the city with literally thousands of douchebags who had traversed an ocean to see a football game. Seriously, if there were a standardized douchebag test (surely Obama could institute this with a No Douche Left Behind Act?), the hulking, cat-calling, baggy boardshort-wearing men wandering the streets and beaches and bars last weekend would have scored in the 99th percentile. They were the cream of the crop.
So yeah, the fact that we still had an awesome time speaks volumes about the awesomeness of this trip--we went snorkeling in a frigid bay, cried in the back of a creaky bus as it careened up (and down) a mountain, and walked along rocky beaches until our feet were cracked and bloody and god this sounds horrible but I swear, somehow, it actually was awesome.
Speaking of awesome, I was so excited to see the enthusiastic response to my meme. Thanks so much to all who have participated thus far, and I hope to see many more of your Blog Spots in the coming weeks!
p.s. Please check out my latest post for National Geographic's blog--a synopsis of boy bands from around the world (the Pakistani Jonas Brothers lookalikes are my personal favorite). And click here for something my brother said about those Jonas Brothers earlier tonight that totally cracks me up.
so funny and so adorable! glad you're back!!
Welcome back, beautiful! Glad to hear the trip was enjoyable ... even though your description makes that really hard to believe.
Yay! Glad you´re back and in one piece - and suvived all those douchers.
I´m still down south, patting llamas. Because they´re everywhere!
I'm that obsessed with my swimsuit, too. (http://z.hubpages.com/u/346661_f248.jpg)
I love the length, the ties that flatter my curves, and the fact that I never have to worry about falling out of the top. This swimsuit literally flatters everyone.
Good to see you are still alive! That's unfortunate about the pro-bowl douches, although perhaps some fun people-watching? My friends and I like to play a game we call "Douchiest Douche and Hoiest Ho." You get to pick one person as your Douche and one person as your Ho. If you pick too early, a worse one may come along... if you wait too long, they may all be passed out already. It's our favorite game to play while sitting on the porch, especially early in the spring.
It sounds like you had an amazing time! And you and your friend look great in that photo--so glow-y and happy. :)
As soon as you said boy bands, I immediately thought BIG BANG!!! and I'm not even a Korean teen, so sad..
I was just talking about how we're having a strange winter, and how unbelievably terrible it is. I've been walking around for the past month whining about how this is Hawaii and I shouldn't be wearing a sweater.
And I feel you on the Pro-Bowl douches, hon. I live right by the Stadium and I refused to go out all weekend. There is not enough Valium in the world to calm me down enough to deal with Pro-Bowl madness.
being an expert concerning esther williams you can surely help me. i´m quite confused about the sizes being from europe. how do you convert these to european sizes? on a website i found, it´s said, that a european 40 is an american 6. but this seems to be the smalles size at esther´s. and don´t get me going on the measurements in inches and centimeters! :-D
thanks a lot for your help in advance!
i cant bring myself to listen to the jonas brothers no matter what!
SO happy to see you back and hear you had a good time!
you seem to have bad luck with busses, though :(
welcome back!
There totally is a douche bag test. When Jake and I were in Hawaii, he found this book at Borders called, "Douche Bags and Hot Chicks" or something similar, and it had stuff like 10 signs you are a douche bag, it was so hilarious. Looks like you had a fun trip, it was cold when we went snorkeling too, and it rained and was all stormy. I was like, "WTF? I'm from Oregon damn it!"
Nice hair band!
Glad you had a good trip.
Obviously, the Hawaiian gods were so enraptured with your group they refused to let the sun shine too brightly in fear you would get burned. Only looking out for you, oh awesome one.
That synopsis of boy bands was awesome, and I hate the Jonas Brothers! I really want an Esther Williams swimsuit now. ;-)
aww welcome back, glad you're feeling better
Your brother is so right. That guy is the worst.
That's what we get for old sister eve chowing down on that apple...D-bags in paradise.Glad you had fun anyway. You look very beach godess in your photo!
Just getting on your radar now that you're back from vacation. Love the picture of you and your friend!
Also, is Taylor Doose gay?
The "highest concentration of douches" record has to belong to Cancun during Spring Break. It is terrifying, the feeling that you might get, like, attacked by drunken idiots every 5 minutes.
that photo of the palm trees against the dark sky is beautiful..i've just discovered your blog and happy that i did!! i'd really appreciate it if you stop by my blog...i hope you have a wonderful weekend!
ha! winona! i am glad to see you
included a kpop band in your list because...frankly...*mumble mumble* fangirl *mumble*
the fun fact about singing 'lies' in class reminds me of this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rYo8jXcesY
glad you're back :)
it sucks not being aware of pro sports! i ended up flying with my boyfriend to TAMPA during SUPER BOWL WEEKEND. genius.
Hurray you're back! And beautiful! And whoda thunk you'd peg Jal as the Pakistani JoBros..hahaha! They're definitely pop.
Also, the Gap model convo = GOLD.
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