The first time I wore it, my friend Katelyn squealed something along the lines of, "Oh my god that's sooooo cute! I'm a hippie and I love trees can I wear it?" Being the selfless, enterprising friend that I am, I offered her partial custody if she promised to model it for my blog.
Check out Irina's website, i love blocks, for more of her work, and maybe buy some for your friends for Christmas, to avoid having to make shady modeling deals.
*And vice versa, of course--Katelyn's very talented and you are beautiful and have amazing hair!
Update: To address the beautiful, well-tressed readers who were unfamiliar with shrinky dinks, they're shrinkable plastic toys that were hugely popular during my childhood. They come as big pieces of plastic, and then you paint them and put them in the oven and they shrink down to smaller pieces of plastic, and for some reason this was hugely entertaining. Irina's work is awesome because usually shrinky dinks look like this:
*And vice versa, of course--Katelyn's very talented and you are beautiful and have amazing hair!
Update: To address the beautiful, well-tressed readers who were unfamiliar with shrinky dinks, they're shrinkable plastic toys that were hugely popular during my childhood. They come as big pieces of plastic, and then you paint them and put them in the oven and they shrink down to smaller pieces of plastic, and for some reason this was hugely entertaining. Irina's work is awesome because usually shrinky dinks look like this:
I don't think I could have a friend who looks like that, let alone let her borrow jewelry.
1) I actually had to Google what "shrinky dink" is. Excuse me, English isnt my first language. Upon finding out what it is and the fact that a jewellery was made out of it- I realise how cool this idea is.
2) Your friend's hair? Gloooorious.
That's some fabulous hair.
I have never met a hippie with hair that nice. And I know quite a few!
what's a shrinky dink?
Totally digging Irina's stunning diamond necklace.
Somehow I feel like you got the fuzzy end of the lollipop in this necklace wearing/modeling deal, lady.
Oh, and thanks. I think my hair is pretty amazing, myself.
This is the coolest thing I have ever seen! I just bought one for myself and one for a friend for Christmakkuh.
Dammit woman! Between you and Maggie Z I'm going to have to start selling blood to fund my cosmetic and jewelry purchases.
I miss shrinky dinks ...
Um - the shrinky dinks I made with my mom in our 1980s kitchen? Never looked like that (they barely even looked like Scooby Doo or Woody Woodpecker - or whatever they were supposed to be).
What a great necklace! I love reading about artists like this. So much more fun to buy from them than to shop at department stores.
Does she ever do blog giveaways? I'd love to feature her in one of mine! Although I might have to enter my own giveaway under an alias and then rig the drawing.
I don't think you're allowed to be talented AND beautiful AND have amazing hair. I just don't think you are.
Her hair IS amazing!
so pretty!
holy CRAP that is great hair!
Although I am younger than you, I remember when I was very little they were popular. They were a mid-'90's thing weren't they?
that's some maaaaddd shrinky dinks the camp I worked at this summer the kids made some shrinky dinks necklaces and I made one, too...definitely didn't look ANYTHING CLOSE to that
These shrinkey dinks are fantastic. I remembered that they advertised when I was younger, but I don't remember them ever being popular.
Anyway, cool idea! thanks!
The first time I encountered Shrinky-Dinks, I was 22 years old, in Rome, and they belonged to my professor's 5-year-old son. That was this past January. I feel like I had a deprived childhood or something! :(
Your friend really does have amazing hair!
I haven't forgotten what a Shrinky Dink is. Oh no.
That necklace is a very clever use of Shrinky Dink technology. And your friend is gorgeous.
But you are much gorgeouser.
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