I was just impulse purchasing at Forever 21, and I picked up what I thought were two cute dresses. Well, one dress is indeed very cute, and the other one turned out to be a romper--whoooops. Here it is:

It actually is pretty cute also, and I'm kinda glad I finally purchased a trendy romper, but I am not sure how to wear it. Should I do it with tights and heels for a night dancing? Could I wear it to class? Should I just save it for summer and romp around in it or whatever it is you're supposed to do in rompers?
Ready to Romp (albeit by accident)
Dear Ready,
This is too funny! Just a couple weeks ago, I was talking to my friend Lindsay, and she said, "I bought this thing at Forever 21, it's like, a complete outfit in one, but it's shorts on the bottom. What is that called?" and I was like, "Umm..what?" and she goes, "There's a shirt, and it's attached to some shorts. What is that?" "A romper?," I said. "No!" "A jumpsuit?" "No, no, no, it's like, shorts that look like a little dress." "A skort!" I squealed. "No! Eerrgghh I don't know what it's called, but it's really cute!"
And then, half an hour later, she sent me a text. "A ROMPER! It's a ROMPER!"
So you see, dear Ready, you're not the only one perplexed and enchanted by this saucy little romper.

Now, how to style it: while summer romping comes easy (hmm...that sentence came out more sexually charged than intended), working a romper into a winter wardrobe is a bit more intimidating.
Here's the best tip I can give you--pretend your romper is a cute dress, and proceed accordingly. Heck, for awhile you actually believed it was a cute dress, so this shouldn't be too difficult.
Cool hosiery is a must for winter romping. Have I mentioned my enduring love for colorful tights from We Love Colors? Oh, I have. Well, to reiterate: these are the best tights ever. Stock up on some eye-catching colors to pair with cute black and white dresses (hint: when I say "dress," I mean "romper!")--a rusty red color would be gorgeous.
I love the tights and heels idea for a night out dancing; also try some thick black tights and badass boots:
And since we're still pretending this romper is a dress, I'm gonna say heck yes, go for it, wear it to class! Try layering a long sleeve tee or a slouchy cardigan over it to make it a little more casual. Add some knit tights and ballet flats or small wedges and trust me, nobody will saying, "Who's the weirdo in the romper?" In fact, they might want to romp with you, and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
Any romper enthusiasts out there, feel free to leave other tips in the comments! Would you wear it to class? And what are you supposed to do in a romper? If I had one, I think I would go clamming.
That chart is priceless! I don't have a romper, myself, but I like the outfits you came up with!
well i'm on a sewing kick right now. i would probably just take the shorts apart and sew it as a skirt...
this would literally take - at the most - 30 minutes.
I often romp when I'm wearing clothes other than a romper. Is that allowed? Does anyone remember a children's show called Romper Room besides me?
I remember loving Romper Room as a kid, but in retrospect I think it was one of the weirder 70's kids shows.
"...I...wanna romp and roll ALL NIIIGGHHT! And party ev-er-y DAY!"
*hahaha!* Romper. Romper. Romper. It's just fun to say, or repeat until it starts to lose meaning! romperomperomperomper
I don't onw one since I'm pretty sure I'd look like an oompa loompa in one. So, yeah.
* : )
oooo! i love my romper! i impulsively squeal when i put it on. oh and for a someone who has never chosen to wear shorts voluntarily, somehow these seem to transcend the usual evils of shorts. ANDv don't know what shirt to wear? romper's got it covered! one less decision to make! i have worn it casual and for going out- i have actually did wear it with rusty red tights from urban outfitters and black flats, or with black leggings and little red heels! i want to buy another one so that my rompers can play!
I always thought it would look cool with thick tights, massive heels and a leather jacket!
@WendyB I totally remember Romper Room! Ah memories :)
I'm a little averse to rompers, but this one is super cute and these ideas are really good, though I'd prefer to pair it with tights and flats rather than boots as I think boots are a little too bad-ass for such an obviously cute & tarty ensemble.
I'd wear it with bright turquoise tights, cutout booties, and an envelope clutch for a night of clubbing!
Summer Romping Comes Easy
by TSB
You know summer always ends too fast
Before you know it girl you're back in class
Before you know it all those days are past
And the winter settles in
Cause summer romping comes easy
Oh girl when I'm with you
Yeah summer romping comes easy
Before the winter leaves me blue
Gala Darling has made some awesome outfits using jumpsuits, you could check those out (of course, she also has pink hair).
And you didn't know it was a romper? I'm going to have to guess that you didn't try it on first. But Forever 21 and Charlotte Russe are totally win this season.
Wear it with some funk-aaay bangles. Or be completely obnoxious and wear the shirt part flopping around behind your ass with a long-sleeved Henley on top with some engineer boots + go as a mechanic (I'm all about outfits as costumes, you see).
I, like Wendy, do not reserve actual romping activity for times when I'm wearing a romper. Because I don't own a romper. And life without romping? Let's not go there.
Winona, I think your suggestions are spot-on: If the garment looked just like a dress on the rack, treat it like one when you accessorize.
I don't own a romper, but I would definitely wear it to class with thick black tights, a long wooly dark gray cardigan, and metallic flats.
I love my romper! Just don't drink anything ever again, peeing is a bitch.
Leah wants a romper but I have been encouraging drug use, smoking, and piercings instead.
I've never much liked clothing that looks like I could put on my kids. Rompers are for toddlers. So no - I never did embrace overalls when they were popular in the early 90s. I thought they made me look like a giant toddler.
OMG that boot is delicious!!
Thank you so much for all the advice!! Considering that the romper has been described as both "saucy" and "tarty" I think it will fit perfectly into my wardrobe. People at school already think I dress like a spaz so gosh darnit I'll wear it to class (with the slouchy cardigan and tights of course).
And, now I'm sessed with the boots!
love the romper
I had one when I was 14 that I wore with sandals and a necklace with little bells on it. Because I was 14.
The eternally difficult-to-style romper. You did a good job with it, Winona.
I all can think about is how epically difficult it would be to use the bathroom when wearing a romper AND tights. You'd have to completely disrobe to empty your bladder!
oooh that particular romper seems tricky. I'd say with boots and some nice gold maybe chains? or with a waist belt, too? they're so tricky
well, IIII think
obviously winona's already got it figured out
and yes, I'd wear it to class, maybe with a long cardigan and some cute flats or heels.
Absolutely NO ROMPING when not wearing a romper. Please. Control yourself.
Wow. That was seriously amazing. Can't wait to hear it on Top 40 radio!
I'm obsessed with that video! I posted it on my tumblr blog earlier today! God it's so funny and brilliant!
I have been searching high & low for the PERFECT pair of knee-high boots for like... ever. You post that picture of the "Ribbons & Bows" boots and I hear a choir of angels singing. That's them! Those are the boots I've been looking for!! I go to Modcloth.com to look into purchasing them, only do discover (insert dramatic music here) that they are green. WTF!? WHY! WHY CAN'T I FIND EXACTLY THE RIGHT BOOTS IN BLACK!!!???? Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I now have the urge to go and buy a romper just so I can skip around and invite people to come romp with me...
I love these boots! The ribbons and bows are so unique...truly different.
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