My intense love for fellow blogger Sarah Von Bargen of Yes and Yes is no secret. In fact, sometimes I worry about professing it too often and becoming one of those couples on facebook whose status updates become mile-long "No, I love YOU more" contests. But I don't worry about it that much, because I just love her so much. (No, Sarah, I love YOU more!)

That being said, SVB always has something new and cool up her sleeve, and I'm super excited about her latest project: Karma Cards. These beautifully designed little cards are meant to brighten the days (or change the lives, who knows?) of strangers, acquaintances, and close friends. Slip one in a library book or a restaurant billfold, leave one on the new kid's desk at school, or send one to your best friend when she's feeling down. Sarah has a great list of ideas to get you started, but I'm sure you guys can think of some amazing people and places who could use some good karma.

A set of 15 Karma Cards costs just $6 (free postage and handling, holla!), and I'm delighted to be able to give away a set to a lucky Daddy Likey reader! For a chance to win, please leave a comment on this post telling us where you'd leave a Karma Card, or where you'd like to find one (or if you're feeling lazy, you can also just leave your first name and email address, that's OK too). I'll choose a winner at random next Monday.
Thank you so much for supporting my dear friend Sarah VB (No, I love YOU more!).

I'd leave them on the desks of some of the admins at work. They don't get appreciated too often, me included.
I'd slip one under the door of our dorm's janitors! They have to deal with so much stupid stuff, including somebody *ahem* pooping in the hallways. Seriously. Gold medals abound, because that shit (teeheeheepuns!) does not fly. Sending them one of these is the least we could do!
I'd leave a karma card under my used starbucks mug, for a drained lost-in-life waitress to find.
PD x
I think I'd run around my college library leaving these in textbooks. Because frazzled students need a little encouragement sometimes!
Aw I love these cards. I'd love to find one in a book at the recycled bookstore or in the sleeve of a record. Those are both places I'd probably slip one for someone else to find too! They'd also be a nice addition to a thank you note or birthday card! Very cute idea!
I'd put that first card in one of my library books when I returned it.
I once worked at a place that got spammed with Southern Baptist tracts, and the worst (best?) place we found one was inside a diaper changing station. Not sure I'd follow their lead.
I'd leave one in one of the big lecture halls at my university, because lord knows it's sometimes hard to keep up the will to live in there. :P
I love Sarah a whole bunch too ~ her blog is fantabulous! Karma Cards are such a great idea. <3
I would use a couple as bookmarks, place one where I'd see it every day and probably surprise my loved ones with them ~ my mom, boyfriend, best friends, brother especially.
OMG I would totally leave them for my staff to find. Also, I have a giveaway on my blog this week, too. Check it out if you like:
this sounds like the perfect item for a Secret Agent L (http://www.secretagentl.com/) project!
I would leave these on the desks of my coworkers -- who couldn't use a little day-brightening in the office??
Oh, man. I work with teenagers every day. The question is, where WOULDN'T I leave one? I need about a thousand sets of these things.
The possibilities are endless! I think I'd lean towards leaving them in books at the library though.
I would put these in my history textbook when I give it back. That class is so boring, the students could use something to brighten their day!
I'd pass them out to my fellow secretaries at the college i work at--with little pay and dealing with crazy students / absentminded professors all day, i know they could probably use a little extra-happiness!
I'd leave them in the "what job should I get" or "how to survive unemployment" books at my local bookstore!
I'm a flight attendant, and knowing all the crap that we have to put up with, I think I would slip these into the jumpseats to brighten the day of some other poor beleaguered air hostess. :-D
i LOVE sara von! i'd leave mine in the pocket of a pair of jeans...ALMOST as good as finding money.
I would leave them in my textbooks! Or on the desks in my big lecture hall classes.
I love them! I would mail one to my wonderful sister!
I'd tape some to the doors of dorm rooms whose inhabitants I know could use some encouragement!
I'd send one to my bff at OSU. She's going through some rough stuff, but definitely appreciates little bits of inspiration like these!
I'd leave them in the McGill Science library during exams and on bencehs in Parc Lafontaine during nicer times.
Those are great! I'd stick them to mirrors in our student bathrooms to give them a little cheer. Or stick them in the books I swap.
I would hide one inside my boyfriend's computer to start.. for the next time he has to take it apart. And something encouraging in my parents' printer/scanner, they are still new to technology, and easily discouraged.
I'd leave at least one at my daughter's middle school - teacher, staff or student, it doesn't matter because they'd ALL deserve one!
Those would be awesome in poster size, against a concrete wall. It would be amazing (and suprising) to see something that isn't selling or advertizing. Alternatively, taped to a park bench under a big tree.
i'd slip them into the vents in lockers at the student rec center at my university...or under my favorite foods in a supermarket.
I would leave them near the forms at the RMV/DMV for some desperate person who's been stuck in a line or drowned in paperwork for five hours just to dispute a parking ticket or renew their license.
I love these! I can think of so many uses, but I would definitely stick them on the desks at our local volunteer office. Those people do so much for so little, and deserve a lot of props!
These are fabulous! I'd definitely send a surprise one to my sister back home
damiarain @ yahoo dot com
i'd slip one on my husband's lunch bag.
oh, how fun it would be to win.
Oh! These would be so perfect to put in those self-help books at the library (the ones meant for people struggling with depression or anorexia, etc).
Desiree Rousey
I would put it in a geo cache :)
i'd leave one taped to the back of a bathroom stall...people need cheering up everywhere!
I'd send one to different friends when they were struggling, and leave them in unexpected places like a coffee shop and the gym locker room. Imagine coming upon something like that when in the middle of your routine.:)
I'd stick them on my car window!
Azul: azulpopp@hotmail.com
I'm pretty sure all of my friends could use one of these at this point in our lives!
I'd slip some to the clerks at my local post office, because they work hard with very little appreciation. And then I'd leave the rest in the forms holders at the post office, so that customers would find them and then maybe not be such jerks to the clerks.
I'd leave them in regularly visited places; public benches, tram stops, blutacked to/near public art & monuments, in books at our local free-swap book library, blutacked on the walls down the escalators to the train..
Not totally, clearly noticible at first, but that particular someone who sees it, they'll know it's for them.
These cards are SUCH a fantastic idea & look simply fantastic!
purrsikat at gmail dot com
What a neat idea! I'd leave one on my husband's pillow for him to find when he went to bed.
Oh my goodness! I love you guys more! This is an awesome idea. I'd leave one for my husband. I don't think I encourage him enough.
swimmingwithfrogs at gmail dot com
I want to give them and get them. I'm greedy.
Krista- kristalynnjennings@gmail.com
I would put one in a glass and put it on the conveyor belt that carries our dirty plates back into the kitchen at my dining hall.
I would also send one to my high school guidance secretary, she never gets any credit, yet she basically runs the entire office.
I would leave them in the safety booklet on an airplane.
I would slide one under my best friend's door.
Those are just some ideas....
Yes and Please.
I would leave one on a stroller at the playground. I was always second-guessing myself when the kids were small. The best compliment I ever got was when a neighbor told me that she could see how my parenting was turning out good people. It would have been nice to hear something like that when I was deeper in the trenches with three tiny ones!
I'd send at least one to my cousin, a single mother with three kids (the oldest is autistic). In case she doesn't already know how amazing she is.
I too love Sarah Von!
I would mail them to friends in faraway cities or use a bit of blue sticky tack to stick one on my boyfriend's bathroom mirror for days when he's feeling stressed out from work.
I'd leave one in the subway, because nobody is ever happy on their commute!
I'd leave one in one of the songbooks at church, or stuck to a bathroom mirror in one of the buildings on my college campus!
I would leave a card in one of my favorite books at the library.
I'd give them to my students - the ones who are nice just because they are and the ones who hold do things under the radar. sometimes in my school, the kids who are bad get all the attention, and it shouldn't be that way. =)
Hmmmm I would probably slip these little lovelies everywhere I went! I can just see a brilliant opportunity around every corner to brighten the day of the grumpy bank teller, the tired bus driver, and the lonely next door neighbor. Pick me! If not, I'm gonna have to buy some. Not that that would be bad...
Last week, while I was eating a sandwich at a deli in the West Village, I witnessed a college boy breaking up with his girlfriend. She was weeping. She tried to storm out, but had to turn around to get her jacket from the back of her chair. I desperately wanted to tell her that everything will be ok (and better without that DB). If I had had one of these cards, I would have gone over to the table and just slipped one to her... I will seek out these opportunities, which abound in New York City.
I would wander down to Powell's and stick one in a suitable book, maybe a really depressing one, to counteract its effects.
There are lots of places to leave those...library books at my college campus for sure, on the seats of the bus, inside bathroom stalls. Seeing one of those cards would definitely cheer me up a bit.
Alisha V
utterlyalisha at gmail dot com
I would leave them on windowsills in my school library!
Parenting is so stressful. I would love to slip these cards into strollers at the park or into coat pockets at the local family drop-in.
neighbourhood dot gal at gmail dot com
I would leave them in peoples' lockers , library books, lave them on tables in cafes... pretty much everywhere.
Since examperiod is coming, I think I'd leave one (or twenty) in one of the big auditoriums in the morning - everyone needs good karma before a huuuuuge syntax test.
It's exam time at my uni so I would leave them in the library.
I'd leave them for my boyfriend at random.. he loves surprises like these!
Bek - rebeccajforsyth@gmail.com
I'd slip them onto the lap of the cute boy I see on the bus every Tuesday. I may/may not be adding a proposition to them (can we have a set of cards for that please?).
I would leave one in a jacket pocket in a thrift shop (always exciting to find a little something extra with your thrifty purchase). And I would leave one in my hubbys lunch box. I don't tell him enough how much he means to me.
I'd leave them in library books or slip them to strangers.
I would leave one in my favorite climbing tree at the park. I've seen other people resting in it before. And if nobody ever found it, I might forget about it and brighten my own day.
Elizabeth/Edguardo;) supergirl3468@gmail.com
I'm working in a research lab at my school all next week. The PhD student I work for is a workaholic. He's a great guy, but he NEEDS to get out of the lab once in a while. I'd DEFINITELY leave one on his desk. Along with some healthy food - he LIVES off the vending machines. It kills me.
I'd love to be able to send the one that says "You are doing everything right" to my best friend. She's got 4 kids, an idiot for an ex husband, and a deployed current husband. She does some much so well that I'm in constant awe. I think she deserves every pick-me-up I can throw at her.
I have a friend who's going through a rough patch at work--I think she'd love to receive one of these! If I don't win the contest, I'm going to have to invest in a set on my own, clearly. What a grea idea.
I love these! I'd slip them in my friends' jacket pockets or hide them around their homes like Easter eggs. I have a couple of friends who keep sending love out into the universe and repeatedly get paid back in poo.
I also have a giveaway going on this week if you're interested:
This idea gets me giddy. It's so nice and simple. What I would do with them is... well, I have this class called Teen Leadership and in it we send encouraging mail to each other. And, blasted, there are 4 people who I can't think of anything to say to. I figure, Karma Cards would be a sweet way of making that contact. Finally!
I'd leave one on my seat on the commuter bus in the morning. All those blank faces being shuttled into the city, surely someone would get a lift!
I think I would put one near the condoms in the bathroom. Wouldn't that be nice?
And I would like to see one attached to a coaster as I sat down at a restaurant.
Gimme gimme gimme!!!
I would send the last one to my friend Alice who has a tough life caring for a child with complex heathcare needs. Hopefully it would provide a little bit of encouragement for the nights when she gets no sleep.
fishywishy at live.co.uk
i'd love to leave these at my local pub--spread the joy of these little notes there!
I'd leave them in library books. I always love discovering random notes in mine. The cards are a lovely idea!
I would look up the phone book and post them to strangers who's names I like. :)
i love the library idea!
I'd leave one on the subway next to a stranger. I love that. Amazing!
Oo! These are fantastic! I know exactly where I would leave them! I work at a used bookstore and I would hide them in the books we are about to put out. I would try to match the feeling of the card to the book, if I could. Who knows when the card would be found, could be years, but it would put a smile on it's new owners face for sure!
People on my morning train seem pretty downtrodden. Maybe one of these cards would give them a smile.
Tiana - tiana.pp@gmail.com
I'd probably leave one inside of my own underwear drawer, because who doesn't want to have a happy message when you're freezing and standing naked in you room at 4 in the morning, getting ready for work.
What a great idea. I'd leave them on desks of my work mates - morale is rock bottom around here, for reasons beyond our control.
rcarroll.bell [at] gmail [dot] com
i love YOU more!!
this is my first visit to your blog & i think i am hooked!!!
I would send one to myself honestly. I've been under-appreciated and sad for a very long time and need a little reassurance that I'm doing the right thing for me..
That or my paramedic friend.. she gets thrown up on every week and never gets a thank you.. Yeah.. I feel bad for her..
i would wedge them on top of traffic light button things. you know like between the pole and the box part at the top. that way when people are standing, waiting to cross the road, staring into space it'll be a nice little surprise for them.
I would leave a Karma Card on the windshields of the morons who park on both sides of the end of the block my friend lives on. You can barely turn on or off the street while they are parked there and I'm pretty sure it's illegal, but I'm sure they'll get their comeuppance.
I would leave one in the books of people I borrow from so they'll find it next time they read their favs. Great idea!
I love love love Sarah Von
shes super cheerful
I think I'm going to buy some of these also
I'd pop these through a friend's letterbox and into library books into people's coat pockets
Send one to my best friend!!!
omg, I LOVE these. I already am in the habit of sending cards for no reason to all my friends, just silly little things that I hope would brighten their day. So I would definitely use these for that, but probably also give them to coworkers who need a little cheering up.
-Rachel (rachelvera731@hotmail.com)
I'd leave them in the books of the school library for lovely people who read other than when forced to do so. And for every good teacher/administrator I've had this senior year.
I'd leave one in the lunch room at work. People here need a pick-me-up, especially midway through a tough day.
I would open the phone book and send to a random address in the town west of me with instructions to do the same to see if we could get it to California.
I would open the phone book and send to a random address in the town west of me with instructions to do the same to see if we could get it to California.
In the AP study guides at my school! These are such a great idea.
I'd leave it to some dont-bother-me-im-in-a-rush ladies in the train.
I'd leave it in a dressing room! Who couldn't use some inspiration in there?
crysmc at gmail dot com
I'd leave them at the DMV, maybe they'd brighten someone's day, because let's face it, no one is at the DMV for fun.
jessica{dot}lyons {at} gmail {dot} come
This is such a great idea! I'd leave them in books at the library during exam week, or mail them anonymously to my friends.
elnajay at gmail dot com
I would leave them in library books.
I love these cards and I would try to find the best, most places to put them!
1. the work fridge, maybe slyly in someone's lunchbag
2. through a locker slot
3. in a newspaper or magazine
4. a napkin dispenser
wagner . margot at gmail . com
I'd leave one in a PostSecret book.
Hannah, h6davis at gmail dot com
Thanks for doing the giveaway, these are really neat!
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