You know the feeling when something comes into your life and changes it so drastically that you can't fathom how you even LIVED before?
Early man surely felt this way about the wheel. I have previously felt this way about System of a Down's first album (high school), the eyelash curler (college), and now, these altered antique plates featuring Star Wars characters:
I did not know happiness before I knew these existed. Amazing.
WAAARRRGGHH!!! These are amazing, I am so excited. And I only just found out that Adidas have done a line of Star Wars trainers, so my cup completely runneth over!
Thanks for the tip. Just bought an Ewok plate for my little bro! RAD!
The Vader one is totes my fave.
Hahaha. Just when I thought Star Wars paraphernalia had infiltrated EVERY corner of the market ...
I am jumping with joy !
Thank you for sharing these treasures.... I will go buy them all.. maybe thy will be worth something in a 100 years.
Woah. I love these.
oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god I NEED THESE.
sweet jesus. these plates are so amazing haha. so kitschy & perfect. i'd love for people to show up to a dinenr party & have these at the table!
Oh my, I want EVERYTHING they sell!
OMG, those are fabulous!
Those plates rock my world. :)
my husband just sent an email
and that's how i found this post!
(well, faster than if it took me to get to my rss reader...)
I am speechless. I just love these. Totally need them for the next potluck.
Awesome, my dad was love these for fathers day & then my mom would kill me for bringing them into her house ;)
Plates of fabulousness...I will eat off, Yoda says.
O M F G ! ! !
I didn't know it was possible to have your head explode from WIN until you posted these plates.
WAAARRRGGHH!!! These are amazing, I am so excited. And I only just found out that Adidas have done a line of Star Wars trainers, so my cup completely runneth over!
I had to buy a couple. I'm keeping a couple and giving away a couple on twitter. Follow @streetzapizza and you could win, too.
The first SOAD cd is still in my top 3 ever! Will you be my best friend? teehee
I cried a little when I saw these.
This may be the funniest thing I've seen all week...
Ha! These are amazing. :)
This is brilliant. The chewie one?? Love it!
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