The style seems to have settled into a happy (and wavy) middle ground between Posh Spice and Annie Camden, and it goes so great with pearls, which are required for the Capitol Hill Cliche look I'm going for. T-minus two days until DC! Eeep!
p.s. Cate, you know I love you, gurl.
Wow, that cut is so amazing for you! Good luck in D.C.
Looks great, love it!
It's wonderful! And very West Wing without being too governmenty. Well done and good luck!
Ooh! Lovely new hair. You look gorgeous. Good luck with the internship.
ahh, pretty girl!
Good cut!! Wavy is better than poker straight, hell yes.
And you are so right about the pearls.
lovely hair cut. suits your face and personality just right. the curl adds just the right amount of "oh I never quite follow the mainstream". like it!
but are you quite certain you want your pearls to be white? soooo proper. I would have tagged you for opting for doing the pearl thing is black pearls . still going pearl cliche but with your so fun twist.
oh well, whatever you do I know you will have fun in DC and stir up the mix. LOVE YOUR BLOG!
from across the big blue
You are so ready! Knock 'em dead. The District will never know what hit it.
super cute!!
a)i love you too
c) we're going to be twins, because i have an appointment september 4 to get this haircut: http://www.hollywood-hairstyles.org/NicoleRichieHairstyles.jpg which looks awesomely like yours.
That looks amazing!
So, literally my first stop in LA was to see my girl so she could chop my locks. I was thinking it wouldn't be too crazy because I loved my long hair. Wrong WRONG wrong. She took one look at my hair and said "You have enough to donate, so why don't you?" BAH. Of course I did, so I agreed and we chopped a foot off my hair. I hope I can see you before you leave.
<3 you!!
ooh, office-appropriate AND kind of retro AND sexy! very nicely done.
You look lovely!
You look so gorgeous!
Great haircut! so flattering! You look Hepburn-esque in that photo...
As my Scottish relatives would say, ah yur luvly.
So cute and not annie camdonish at all!
Love this new 'do! Is it creepy that I want to take this photo to my hairdresser for inspiration??
you look great !!
OK, there is not a smidgen of 7th Heaven mom in that do.
Don't forget the Barbara Bush-esque bright blue power blazer.
Oh, wow. I'm obsessed. Love the bangs, especially, and I just might have to bring this picture with me next time I'm due for a cut. I've been wrestling with the Bangs vs. No Bangs issue for months now.
Love the new cut!!
I love that you're wearing pearls. I hate that they seem to have this stigma of 'old fashioned & not in a good way', because they're just so timeless (in my eyes at least). I think you pull it off fantastically. & as mentioned before, black pearls could be great too... :)
Best of luck, looking forward to hearing about it.
Cute hair cut!
Off topic but I do have something to get off my chest...
I confess, almighty Winona, that I have sinned. It's been a long time since my last confession. As a result, I've clearly fallen off the proper wagon. My sin? Please be lenient...
I wore leggings as pants.
I knew when I did it that I'd feel guilty in the evening, after I'd had time to dwell upon my transgressions. But they're just so comfortable. And I go to fashion school. People wear crazy get-ups all the time. And I made sure my shirt was the length of a short dress. And I wore them tucked in to my cute Coach shoes. But they were leggings, wore as pants, and therefore I have sinned.
Is it enough of a punishment that all of the good-looking guys are gay?
Haha, yes, indeed, pearls may serve you well should you decide to go "power suit" in DC.
I live there (here?), actually, so if you're looking for places to shop, I've got the ultimate list, if you're interested.
Wow you look stunning!
It looks so lovely and soft.
juliet xxx
Forget the 7th Heaven mum. I'm realy surprised no one has noticed that you look exactly like Bilie Piper, the british actress that stars as Belle in "Secret Diary of a Call Girl". She is supposed to be a luxury call-girl who writes a blog!
Much better than 7th Heaven, right?
Great cut!!
how very charming, darling
It's simply fabulous! You look darling and terribly chic!
You look gorgeous and fantastic. Me=jealous.
Oh my god. I just wanna say that you look soo like a future fashion magazine editor. You know how they always kind of sit perched on their desk, kind of like they had a few spare seconds to get their pic taken and then rush off to do some important stuff? And how they always wear this "I'm totally gonna solve all your fashion foibles but at the same time look very aloof and gorgeous and important" expression of their faces? Well, you just nailed it. Also I love your hair color.
It looks fabulous!
Very chic! It looks great!
Ah adorable! I envy the new do indeed.
The pearls are fitting for a Lady of the Realm.
You look like you are on your way to a cocktail party with Miss Holly Golightly.
Quite quite divine...
Queen Marie
you. are. GORGEOUS. and i cannot wait until you are on my coast!!!!!
We LIKEY! And I agree with lopi. Good luck in DC!
Love the haircut! and the pearls are adorable :)
The hair look bee-yoo-ti-ful!
You knida look a bit like Billie Piper...just a teensy bit..
you look so much better than V.
also, i must have subconsciously copied your post.
The hair is gorgeous!!
with fear of being the most unoriginal commenter here, i shall digress from the oh-my-god-you-look-so-gorgeous gush (even though that was my first instinct), and instead leave you with:
'a fine head of hair adds beauty to a good face, and terror to an ugly one.'
makes sense, eh?
Stunningly chic - love it!
Awwww thank you so much for all the lovely comments! I have been told a few times in my life that I look like Billie Piper, and every time this happens I sprint to the computer and google image search her name to make sure it was a complimentary comparison, and then I'm very flattered because she does indeed sort of look like my prettier sister.
Re: Black pearls--LOVE black pearls but to successfully become a cliche I had to go the classic route, plus my parents got these for me. Someday, though, I'll rock the dark ones!
Heh. I was just going to say that you look like Billie Piper!
Super cute!
Love the hair! Now I want mine cut like that.
you look totally and completely adorable.
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