Shoe from Jethro Hayne's fantastic website. Thanks Rachel P!
p.s. If you're sitting at your desk right now thinking, "Ummm...so what's up with the raccoon talking about tuna?" and you're referring to the raccoon featured above, not the raccoon in your head who's constantly talking about tuna (just checking), click here for the Martin intro.
Correct, no tuna. Perfect, however, for vegetarians! So I'll be on the hunt for this shoe!
Wow, that is quite a shoe. What's the Medusa-like flower thing there on the top?
That shoe grosses me out for some reason. It looks like out-of-control mold.
Lol, Lisa I'm with you
Hehe, that's quaint. They look like my sandals after I've taken my Mum's dog for a walk.
i love these shoes but i dont know if i could pull it of
WTF?! Is that thing for real? I'm expecting a model train to go by... :D
Sooooo funny!
So when does Martin get his own book?
im laughing soooo hard right now. you might owe me a new keyboard!
Wow. Who knew that an entire ecosystem can be sustained by a shoe?
The lively tentacles up top has be a tad bit wary about snagging those shoes (voluntarily, that is).
it makes me want to use it as a jungle playset for lego people or those gigantic new polly pockets.
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