Let's get down to it. Reader Amber alerted me that our beloved LuLu's Fashion Lounge is shaping up to be the next Shopbop, with these two examples among many chocha-rific offenders:

Meanwhile, Thomas noticed a similar trend on Facehunter:
Katy found this one on Bluefly:

The next two are from Aubrey:

Here we have the American Apparel "Shiny Too-Short Tube Dress:"

Rachel sent me the following delightful email and horrifying screenshot:

OK, so you may have heard of Kira Plastinina already [editor's note: I hadn't, and I kind of wish I never did], but just in case, she's a 15-year-old Russian girl whose dad is super-rich and who therefore has the wherewithal to have her own clothing line with like 50 billion retail stores. One peek at the eye-scorchingly girly website treated me to this, um, crotch curtain. (Click the photo to see it bigger, if you dare.)
Ashley saw this shot of Danity Kane in Blender magazine and instantly thought, "Don't-cha Want Chocha?"
I think some poor middle schooler is missing a major component of her school uniform now....
Keeping with the theme of pants-less singers:
Says Robin: I don’t know if its just the angle of the shot, but I have never been happier for the invention of shadows. yes, shadows were invented. I just haven't decided by who quite yet.
And finally, Jill found one of my favorite DSYC's ever:
She says: Here's an unfortunate soul who is trying very hard to protect the last shred of modesty she has. She's tugging on one edge of the dress for goodness sakes! Yet another picture on the page has her face cropped out of it. To hide her embarrassment, I think.
Keep them chochas rollin in! Email me at daddylikeyblog@gmail.com
Ashley saw this shot of Danity Kane in Blender magazine and instantly thought, "Don't-cha Want Chocha?"

Keeping with the theme of pants-less singers:

And finally, Jill found one of my favorite DSYC's ever:

Keep them chochas rollin in! Email me at daddylikeyblog@gmail.com
Hilarious, as always!
Wow you have some Aussies in this mix. I love The Chaser boys (They are a comedy act...there is 4 or 5 of them in total???) Have you heard of them? Anyway I think I know that dress the girl is wearing who is with the Chaser lads, its by a Gold Coast designer called Reiss Radvanyi...I kinda wanted the dress but yeah I have always thought it was way too short.
ironically, the aa too-short dress is the longest dress of the bunch.
Notice that even the Danity Kane girls are not a happy, smilin' bunch. Now, just how humiliating does it have to get for 4 out of 5 of those girls not to show off those $10,000 veneers?
Exactly this humiliating, that's how.
wow..that one with the lead singer of (gossip?)..makes me feel very uncomfortable..i think it goes past the don't part of the feature.
More of these ladies are engaging in the last-minute-yank-down than usual. Doesn't excuse them, but points for self-awareness. Or chocha awareness.
I'm still aspiring to appear in this feature myself. Why did I return that Acne studded skirt? Dang!
I have to admit that the Facehunter girls do look hot but I'm still thinking my chocha doesn't need any airing....
They all look hot. As long as they're standing up. No bending over, no going up stairs, no sitting down, no nothing.
If Homegirl in the blue "dress" tilts her upper body back any further in a fit of poor posture, she'd be in serious trouble.
That is the worst picture of Beth Ditto I've ever seen. I'm usually all over her style. (In this case, I suppose I'd be trying to cover her. Zing! Oh my god it's only Tuesday).
ha, I love this feature.
i've been eyeing that yellow dress from lulus!
but omg. kira plastina. in all honesty, i see no talent in the girl's designs. just a girl with a lotta money, thanks to her daddy.
please check out my blog, http://la-couturier.blogspot.com
i think your DSYC editions will never cease because people are going to continue to almost expose themselves for a long time to come haha
this post just made my day!!! loved it!
yeh Im all about the dropped hemline trend!
wow those dresses from lulu's are hot! and danity kane look like a bunch of skanks - oh wait they are!
LOL... The Dannity Kane turtlenecks are pretty high concept. harhar
I'm loving your hair, by the way. :)
Ha! I had on a DS-CYS dress this past weekend and thought of you! I knew I should have taken a pic! Lol!
I love this! My husband always says, "you would look good in something like that..but I dont want you to wear something like that" LMAO.
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Some of them are cute, like the girl in the third photo who's rockin' the outfit with the blue shoes. But if I had to wear one of these things, I would HATE it. I would have to constantly worry if my butt and cooch are visible. Not only that, but I wouldn't wear it simply for the fact that I would gain unwelcome and unwanted stares from every guy and girl.
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