I'm super excited and trying to make the most of my dwindling time in Oregon by drinking lots of coffee, hanging out with friends, and jumping up and down shrieking, "I'm super excited!" Sadly, blogging has taken a backseat to these important rituals.
I'm working on a couple posts right now and I'll have at least one up later today (hang in there, Skylar!). As always, thanks so much for reading Daddy Likey!
SOOOO exciting!
Hey - I grew up in DC. It's a great city. Now I live in the suburbs - but if you ever want to drive 30 minutes out into the sticks and have 3 kids under the age of 3 climb all over you (I know - tempting right?)... Well just let me know.
Hey! Now you're on my coast! And not that far away. And I have a good friend who lives in DC so I go there for visits. We could meet.
Whoo Hoo!
good luck! now you can live in the same city as moohoop! (moohoop.livejournal.com . . .amazing blog) and are you going to do another DSCYC? Because lats time I guess youf ofrgot about the Anna Sui "dress" I e-mailed you.
Hahaha I might take you up on that.
Let me know if you make it to DC!
Not to worry! I get tons of great submissions to DSYC and I post all of them, but sometimes you have to wait a couple cycles for me to get through the previous ones. Keep an eye out for yours in the next one!
I'm so happy for you! Congrats on a tremendous opportunity. I'm already anticipating tales of your crazy Washington antics on Daddy Likey.
Or if you ever feel like driving 10 hours in hot sweaty traffic to Ye Olde Boston, let me know and I'll buy you a Sam Summer!
Oh, that's awesome, congrats! DC is pretty sweet, although I'm a bit biased...I can't imagine that hanging out with 14 year olds is terribly high on your priority list though?
hey, my name is in there.
Winona is a god.
Looking for chocha in a new city, eh?
OH nona. I will be so sad when you leave me. MEH. I am looking forward to book club via email. So high tech of us. Personally, I think blogging in general is SUPER high tech.
I have wanted to tell you this for a LONG time....I think you are super special. I am pretty sure (like 99.8% sure) we lived a past life together. Mhmm. That's how special you are.
You are going to be so successful you don't even know it yet. No affirmation need for that one! xoxoxo.
Winona, are you really coming to DC right after I leave for school? Seriously? How lame. And if you're only here for three months, I'm guessing you'll be gone by Thanksgiving, which is the first time I'll be home. Exceedingly lame. Still, enjoy DC!
Thanks so much for *writing* Daddy Likey!
Whaaa!! Congratulations, beautiful!!! That is fantastic news. Tell us more about it when you have time. Oh wait. This post was all about lack of time ...
Let me throw my offer into the ring, too: If you happen to be DRIVING out there and pass through the Twin Cities, I will happily take yo ass to the State Fair and buy you a donut batter-dipped, deep friend candy bar on a stick. Or two.
Winona! I think this may be the first time I've commented on your blog, although I've been a reader (and fan) for quite some time!
I just wanted to let you know that your neon-jeans post inspired one that I wrote on my own blog this afternoon...
Can't wait to see how you style those jeans!
Oh my God! I rarely comment on your blog, but I am a voracious reader who goes to school in DC! I am so excited you are coming to town!!!
Daddy Likey bloggers coffee date in DC? I live right outside of DC!
Congrats on the internship!
Yay! I rarely comment but I read your blog all the time and I live in DC! Where are you going to be living? If you ever need a brunch, happy hour, or cupcake recommendation, just ask!!
Congratulations, Winona!!!! We can now have our Starbucks date...yippy and what not! :-)
well, i live near dc, and i
can't wait to hear what you think of our nation's capitol. it's not at all glamorous or anything,and living here my whole life has basically taken any interest out of it, but the smithsonians are great, and the potomac river is gorgeous ( i'm lucky enough to live right on it,)
but dont' buy pizza from the street vendor carts. it's gross.
DC? Oh good...you can teach that stupid "What's My Wardrobe Today" pseudo-blogger what's WHAT!! I can't stand that excruciatingly dull ho...Daddy Likey is 1294872587623476232395823067 x more excellent!! !! !! Rock on!! !!
Ummm Hope, dear, if you don't like her, then don't check the blog. I actually like Allie very much and am disheartened to see people badmouthing her. Don't taint the excitement of Winona coming to DC.
Ummm barbara dear, don't taint Winona's fine blog by mentioning your "friend" mmmmkay? That Other Blogger is a tool and she can't dress.
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