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Today, on my way to work, I stepped into the crosswalk on 17th street. I can't be sure if I had a walk signal, because it was 9AM, so I can't be sure if I was wearing a shirt (my memory and common sense don't kick in until 11), but nevertheless, I noticed, in the nick of time, that a black SUV was barreling toward me. I leaped back onto the sidewalk and began to wave my fist in melodramatic protest, directing my most intimidating glare at the offending passengers, one of whom happened to be Joe Biden:
Yes, seated in the middle of a group of Agent Smith lookalikes was the VP hopeful himself. His white hair flowed in the breeze, our eyes met, and I froze, fist raised, screeching something shockingly, finally accurate: "SENATOR!"Then I almost got run over by his police escort.Later, I bought some badass shoes to celebrate:
It was a good day.
It had to happen at some point that you would get the right one!!!
Awesome shoes.
That's so exciting. You were almost killed by Joe Biden.
Better than taking a shot to the face from Cheney any day.
Killer shoes too. Make sure they end up in my box, k? ;)
Those are seriously bad ass shoes.
OMG. I love the shoes. Glad you lived to get them. Also: I'm not sure why, but I heart Joe Biden, he seems like such a gentleman...
I like Ally's comment. I'll add: It's better than going to Chappaquiddick with Ted Kennedy...
Awesome shoes!
Loves loves loves the shoes! They are just sex on heels.
Reminds me of standing on parliament stairs (in little wee NZ) on a school trip and my teacher going "Someone yell out 'Hi Dr Cullen'"... which I of course did with a big smile and huge wave before he started walking over and I realised that he was our finance minister. Good guy though, stayed and had a big chat LOL
Love Joe Biden.
Really love the shoes.
Joe Biden sighting--awesome.
Killer shoes--awesomer. At least you get to do the killing this time.
Haha what a story! And those shoes are smokin', lady.
Those shoes are sex.
Joe Biden nearly killing you, not so much.
I once nearly got run over by Prince Charles and Camilla! I also gave the evil eye hehe xo
I would give ANYTHING to have an awesome story like that. It's like the perfect conversation starter.
"So, I was in Washington a while ago."
"Oh, really? Did you have fun? I hear they have a nice zoo"
"Oh, yeah it was pretty cool. Great weather. By the way did I tell you Senator Biden almost killed me"
Instant sucess!
Haha that is so awesome. Too bad you almost got run over =P
I almost whacked John Malkovich at a local whole foods once ... then of course I had to stalk him whilst he was shopping.
Monday I saw a project runway ex-contestant - Steven Rosengard. I was cursing the fact that I'd had a job interview and was thus not dressed interestingly ... not that he likely would have done anything anyway (like run up to me and declare me his new muse and design a wardrobe of clothes for me!).
Aaah those my dear are some real beauties. Purple seems all the rage nowadays too! Good find!!!
I suppose i'm like a little sister instead lol. Nice to see volunteerers in this blogosphere too :)
Fab shoes! What will you wear them with?
Even more important, inquiring minds want to know - where did you get them???
I should always make sure not to be drinking anything while reading your posts, because I almost spit coffee all over my desk AGAIN.
I was going to ask where the shoes came from too, not that I could ever pull off something so sassy.
So weird! Just this morning, I handed Giuliani a napkin. Maybe I should buy a scarf...
Reasons Biden seems like a gentleman - he wears tie bars, pocket squares, and french cuffs. Nuff said.
Almost getting killed by him is like almost being famous! And much better than really being killed by him...which would suck.
Now THAT'S an exciting day, lady.
I'm jealous of the sighting and the shoes.
woaaahhhh, you should have kept your foot on the road and you could have gotten a BUNCH of shoes! kidding, I wouldn't want your lovely feet to get wouldn't be able to wear those killer shoes.
and I'm also so proud of you that you got your SENATOR moment right, your time to shine haha
Shoe envy alert
Wow, what's more exciting than a brush with death, a brush with famous death! I ran into Al Franken at the grocery store and was tempted to go up and start blathering on how I hoped he won the senate seat, and blah blah but thought better of it. Then, he asked me if I knew how to tell if a mango is ripe and I'm pretty sure I peed a little before stammering something about if the butt smelled, it was ripe... which is true but not the eloquent way to say it.
The closest I can come to that is at a Blade (the movie) premier party in South Beach I bumped into Wesley Snipes then sort of patted him and apologized. His big bodyguards almost knocked me out, whereas I didn't even know who it was.
How could I have recognized him... he's like my height - which is just under 5'4" !
Famous people are dangerous. And so are those heels.
I love purple and that sounds like so much fun! I saw Eliot Spitzer a few weeks ago, but it's really not the same thing . . .
Shoe-buying is the ONLY appropriate response/action to missing being run over by a hair's breadth.
those are some serious superhero shoes
:'D very nice.
juliet xxx
That's a very exciting day. Shoe retail therapy is the best solution to a near death experience (only made better if you can have wine while shopping). I've never had the dubious pleasure of being almost run over by somebody famous. However, I was in a Parisian taxi whose driver almost ran over Julie Delpy. I hope she went shoe shopping after that.
hopefully one day you'll be able to say, the vice president almost barreled me over in his car. badass.
Gasp. Those shoes are Shaft-level bad ass. Kuuu-dos!
haha. too funny.
i am right by 17th street too. lets meet up!
and check out senators!
...with an excellent heel for beating senators!
That brightened my day.
Great shoes!
A good way to celebrate surviving your near-death experience.
Hi - it's obvious you're new to DC, if you haven't been run over by the President yet. I'll watch out for those shoes.
oh i miss DC and those near bad secret service moments! and be careful if jogging near the white house with headphones and very loud music. Great shoes.
i love the snakeskin texture!
New shoes and run-ins with the senator? What a fine day....
haha I don't know who Joe Biden is (I'm an ignorant Canadian :P ) but it must have been quite thrilling to warrant such gorgeous shoes! My closest brush with celebrity was literally rubbing shoulders with Jet Li - buying shoes would have been a better way to celebrate than my solution of not showering for 2 days.
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