Hi Webmaster,
I am Honee and interested in sponsoring your blog http://www.daddylikey.
Simply mentioned the keywords anywhere within the body of each post and write one post in every keyword. It should be not less than 150 words and must be a unique content. You can write it on your own journalistic style but don't give negative comment about the keywords given to you. Hateful or rude review will be declined and please don't mention that the post is a sponsored one or placed it in any category that is called sponsored paid. The anchor text or keyword, where you are to direct the link through should be used in its exact given form.
Keywords are 'casino' related. Kindly inform me if these are okay and we will give you all the details for posting.
We will be paying thru PayPal after your review has been approved. Please let me know if you want to continue with my offer. And kindly add my email address to your email address book to make sure your spam filter does not discard any important messages from us. Please let me know if you have any further questions and if you are interested on this offer.
Yours truly,
Honee Darby
I thought it would be an interesting experiment to see what my life--and this blog--might be like if I decided to accept $8 to send my readers subliminal messages about casinos. So here are a few popular Daddy Likey features, sponsored-style:

Dear Daddy Likey,
I was wondering if you had any tips for transitioning from a summer wardrobe to a fall wardrobe?
Sweating in Sweaters
Dear Sweating,
Ah yes, I was just thinking about this the other day while kicking back at a CASINO. Man, I just love CASINOS. In fact, maybe you should meet me at the CASINO and we'll eat some prime rib and crab and I'll tell you exactly how to transition from a summer wardrobe to a fall wardrobe. Bring a sweater. CASINOS tend to get a bit chilly. CASINO CASINO CASINO!
I've gotta go count my eight dollars now. Peace out.
OMG hilarious. I recently won both the British and Swiss lotteries myself, so yeah... suck on that Europeans! also, if you like NPR This American Life this week had something to do with the Nigerian schemes, and bitchy americans geeks who may have sent them to their deaths...
Haha I love that you outed them, but think of how you could have invested that $8?
Who else has a hankering for a game of Keno?
I LOL'd so hard at this, even more so because I've read a few blogs where they must actually be partaking in these 8-bucks-per-random-word schemes.
Get me to Vegas, STAT!
Ha ha ha! That's hilarious. You totally broke the rules though by telling us that it was paid. You might not get your extra special $8 now.
HAHAHAA, Winona I love you for this.
Ok, I'm off to the CASINO. Meet you there (at the CASINO) in 20 mins?
This just solidified your status as my hero on MySpace.
PS: Casino
Excuse me while I look for my gambling sneakers...
"Thank you for the enlightening post. Appreciate it a lot.
Subliminal messaging can indeed be very powerful. Interesting enough, a website http://www.chargedaudio.com (non-aff link) sells a bunch of subliminal programs. Might be interesting to check them out. "
Hilarious post. I have a real urge to go to a casino now
"please don't mention that the post is a sponsored one or placed it in any category that is called sponsored paid."
tisk tisk!
absolutely heeheelarious!!!
It's only 8 hours drive to Vegas,
no problem, I have gas money...
Okay... Firstly, I laughed so hard I almost choked on a grape. How would I get to the CASINO then? Secondly, her name is whatnow? Honee Darby? Why didn't she (if she is, in fact, female) just go the whole hog and get a proper porn name like Honee Ryder? Thirdly, how much do I love Woodrow? Seriously.
LOVE IT! You are a riot.
You are so funny Winona. Love your blog.
I couldn't help but replace CASINO with all the other keywords one gets as SPAM...and now I have to go laugh quietly for about an hour.
Oh man...ED....hahahahahahaha.
HA! I would also describe those shoes as casino. If I do so on my own blog, do you think Honee will share the wealth?
I love it! You know, it's interesting to see that these people have no shame in asking you to straight up influence your readers to gamble. Ballsy, indeed.
I was laughing like a strangled seal by the end. Give me your address: that was totally worth $8.
Where's my eight bucks?
(do you think they fell for it?)
I was soooo annoyed, just by that chick's name, that I decided to Google her and see what I found. I came across another Blog that mentioned her offer:
Too funny!
That post single-handedly brought me out of intense anger at my bank for not being able to activate my new debit card (to use at the casino).
Prime rib and crab, haaaaaa!!!
Is this like "Bloge Expose"? ROFL. Glad Washington hasn't sapped you of your humor! xoxo
*stares straight ahead* caaasssiiinnnnoooo.....?
I almost crappedd myself before I realized that this was a joke. I thought to myself: WHAT?! WINONA WOULDN'T DO THAT! OH NO! WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO! then I kept reading, and was delightfully brought down to the DL.
aahhhh, thanks for not selling out Winona. Keep it real. haha
Hey! I just got the same email, but Honee only offered me $5. No fair!
Lmao! Girl,I love this blog.
Love love love the green bag, and congratulations on the sudden windfall! Almost enough for starbucks!
Don't let your mind wander - it's far too small to be let out on its own
We have different means! What's your purpose of having sites? Well, different purpose, right? If your purpose is for business goodwill, you have the right to advertise. And if your purpose is- just to enjoy people, most likely you just need to update and make some funny post and that's it! And if your purpose is for popularity… making and publishing posts that you think people would love- well, that’s your choice! Just don’t mind their business.
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