Yep, it's finally time for a long-promised installment of Don't Show-cha Your Chocha! If you're just joining us at Daddy Likey, check out the DSYC intro post for an explanation of the no-pants madness, and if you're an old pro or have superior powers of deduction, just read on...Here we have an excellent example of two classic DSYC strategies:
Maya explains: Admittedly the wind machine doesn't help with the lack of inches on the hem, but at least in the picture on the left she isn't crossing her legs or bending forwards, she's just going for the 'I can show my chocha and own it' look. It's a bit like adult peekaboo.Ol' standby American Apparel always brings the chocha:
Brande says: Ummm... did the stylist walk out on this girl? Because she is quite obviously missing pants. [Editor's Note--Is it just me who doesn't really want to know what is shown in that zoom-in box?]
Niamh found this near-chocha viewing on Facehunter:
Anyone who matches her blush to her haircolor is a total badass in my book. But yeah, even badasses should try not to show their asses. A couple lovely readers sent in this runway chocha:
Says Lexi: I am not sure how this model is managing to look unconcerned and chic but somehow she is.. I wish I could look that cool when I was in danger of showing the world my cha cha!
Cal adds: I think it might almost be too late to deliver the warning of "don't showcha your choocha" to this one. She is past the point of no return.Peajai turned in Vivica A. Fox for public display of a hell of a lot of upper thigh:
Wow. I don't know what to say about this. Was she trying to be modest by wearing stockings, or was she just afraid the chocha may catch cold?Next three examples plus commentary are from the fabulous Katie:
Now, I understand this is supposed to be a bathing suit coverup, but what exactly is it covering?
Thiiiiiiiiiiiiis close to a peep show!
Shirt? Check. Boots? Check. Pants? Oooops! Reader Tibbar sent in this photo, which may soon become a classic:
The fact that she's literally holding her dress down by pressing firmly on her crotch? Priceless.This one's also from Tibbar:
She says: Some clothes should not be sat down in. Yes, I would agree that this is purely a "standin' dress."We'll finish up this post with a few more celebrity chocha sightings (well, not actual sightings, but near sightings--go read Perez Hilton if you want real sightings):
Reader Katy and her adorable sister sent me this photo with the subject line: "Britney does the cha-cha!"
Yep, that's about right.
Lee sent in a photo of Selma Blair on the set of her tv show:
I know she's supposed to be dressed extravagantly for her role, but it still seemed like something you'd find funny (since when did she go from serious actress to... this?). Not only is her chocha close to saying hola, but she's wearing that hideous top underneath the so-called "dress."And finally, Gisele:
Says Breezy: Let me tell you, there is some major chocha lurking beneath those ill-positioned polaroids.[Editor's note: I just named these picture files "Gisele chocha," "Britney chocha," and "Selma Blair chocha," which should lead a really great, wholesome group of google searchers to my blog. Can't wait!]Got a chocha sighting? Send 'em in!