Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Finally, The Big, Exciting News!

So, here it is: Today marks two months until the release of my book, Closet Confidential: Style Secrets Learned the Hard Way. Yes, a book!

As the title implies, it's a funny fashion guide a la Daddy Likey, but the content--168 pages--is all new. I packed it full of quizzes (test your knowledge of ironic t-shirts!), diagrams (learn Pythagorean's lesser known theory of cleavage angles!), fake newspaper clippings, forged yearbook pages, and more, including awesome illustrations by Sam Trout. I wanted to write a book with the same goal as this blog: to provide real fashion advice for real women with real budgets and hopefully make them laugh along the way. Sasquatch Books made that goal a reality, although donuts definitely helped with the writing process (Edgar Allen Poe had alcohol, and I have Krispy Kreme).

I want to take this opportunity to give a heartfelt thanks to every Daddy Likey reader from Oregon to England to Singapore and everywhere in between (and an extra big heartfelt thanks to regular commenters, who, as every blogger knows, are actually angels sent from heaven to give us self-esteem). This book is dedicated to you guys (also my mom, and the Backstreet Boys, but mostly you guys!).

The next couple months will be a really exciting mix of all your regular programming on Daddy Likey plus book excerpts and giveaways. Stay tuned because around the book's official release date (November 9th) we are going to run a huge contest with some truly fabulous prizes on the line. In the perfect world, I would totally fly you all to my house, set up a tent, serve hot dogs (tofu dogs too!), and hire one of my brothers to play "The Final Countdown" continuously on the accordion, but my publisher informed me that's not really feasible. Sad, yes, but trust me: the book release giveaway bonanza will be almost as awesome!

Thanks again for all your support and inspiration! I've been wanting to write a book since I was a wee little seventh grader with big dreams and an even bigger dandruff problem (glamorous, right?), and Daddy Likey readers helped that dream come true. You probably also cured my dandruff problem. You guys are that good.

Update: For those of you asking about preorders and where to buy, first of all, I love you, and to answer your questions, you can preorder from Amazon (cheapest), Barnes & Noble, or Powell's, and come November it should be available pretty much everywhere!


Danielle said...

Aw, heck yes! Way to go Winona!

Catie said...

Congratulations! Mazel tov, my darling! <3

Daiana said...

wow, that's amazing!!

Poochie said...

Very fun! Congrats and I can't wait to see more.


Erin said...

congratulations!! can't wait to read it!

Unknown said...

Great news my dear! You and that killer sense of stylish humor deserve to be on paper!

TheSundayBest said...

This is 100% fantastic. I expect rights to a FULL INTERVIEW when the book gets released.

Marie said...

OH FUCK YES!! Congratulations lady!!!!!!!!

Birdie! said...

Congratulations, you hilarious girl! You are awesome :D

Claire said...

Awesome! And right before my birthday! Hello, present from me to me!

Jennifer Nicole said...

Wow - congratualtions! How exciting!

Kelly said...

that's awesome! congrats winona. can't wait to see the final product!


Mindy said...

Congrats! I will definitely buy a copy.

punky said...

Congrats, cant wait to read it!!
you're adorable!

Susan B said...

Wow, congratulations!!! How exciting!

Muttersome said...

Congratulations! This is amazing news! You definitely deserve all the opportunities that come your way--hopefully I'll get to read it sooner rather than later. Congrats again on all your hard work--here's to many more years of Daddy Likey!

Mandy said...

How exciting! Congratulations! You totally deserve it! Staring at all the disturbingly short chocha "skirts" has paid off!

Michelle said...

Wow, congrats! That's so awesome! I'll totally be buying a copy.

Too bad, though, I'd love an accordion and tofu dogs party ;)

Sarah-Rose said...

Ahhh! That IS big huge exciting news. Congratulations!

Kate Coveny Hood said...

How exciting! I will buy it, promote it...I'll even suggest it for the neighborhood book club. Although, that may not work if you can't check it out at the library...those suburban moms loooove getting books at the library. Maybe I'll donate a copy to the Fairfax County public library. Congratulations!

daddylikeyblog said...

No worries, it should be available at the library! Being a book club pick would be yet another dream come true! :)

Ana said...

I'm so proud of you! YAY!

Winnie said...

This is amazing news, congrats!!

Unknown said...

congratulations! I can't wait to read it! (my husband too--yours is the only fashion blog he reads and he's a huge fan.)

rhymeswithcori said...

congrats on the book deal winona!

Krista said...

Winona! That is so amazing and exciting!! I will definitely be purchasing a copy. And to think, we always new you were a fabulous, witty writer even back in the seventh grade...(what teacher did we have then? Ms. Landis?)

Congrats, you definitely deserve it.

ArkieStyleErin said...

Sa-weet! I discovered Daddy Likey a mere 6 weeks ago and already a book to enjoy? Hooray and congrats!

EJ said...

That's everyones' christmas presents sorted. Thanks Winona!

Unknown said...


That's really all that needs to be said!

Ashe Mischief said...

Congrats, dear! This IS huge news--what a fantastic project.

the upper vest side said...

Oh wow!! Congratulations! I can't wait to read it. *marking calendar now*

Antoinette said...

Congratulations! Just in time to buy them as holiday gifts for the style-clueless folks in our lives!

Pamcasso said...

OMG yay! I'm so happy for you and I can't wait to read it!!

Enna said...

Congrats! How exciting!

liz said...

Aw, that's fantastic! This will be the first fashion-y book to make its way into my collection.

Oprah should lighten things up and select this for her book club!

Unknown said...

Congrats Winona!

Anonymous said...

HOLY HELL, W, THIS IS FANTAAAAAAAASTIC!!!!!!!!! I am beyond excited for you, doll! Cannot wait for the book to launch and for you to become just and rich and famous as you've always deserved to be. CONGRATS!!!

WendyB said...


Unknown said...

So excited for you! Can't wait till the book comes out so I can be all like, yeah, I know her.....

Will you sign my copy?

Becky said...

Congratulations-that is so amazing! My mom has been trying to convince me to write and illustrate my own children's book for years...you've given me the inspiration to finally get going on it!

chelsea said...

Oh my gosh, Winona! That is big news. Your book sounds refreshing. I cannot wait to read it. I am so happy for you!!

Lisa said...

Eee congrats! I'll be eagerly counting down the days until I can get my hands on a copy.

Lorena said...

U go girl ! Congrats!
Will u have a chocha chapter ?

kristine said...

WOW! This is awesome! I seriously can't wait to read it--and there had better be some CHOCHA CITY inside!

Anonymous said...

Oh Winona you are so cool!

I love your surname by the way, its a bit exotic actually.

Whit said...

WOOT!!!! YAY!! My copy is already on pre-order from Amazon. So very excited for you!

Alyce said...

Thats so exciting!I will definitly buy a copy. congradulations!

Jess said...

That is *very* awesome- congratulations! Cant wait to see it!!!

Dreampuff said...

You are so cool.

Erin said...


Anonymous said...

I am her main source of inspiration, with my worldly knowledge, amazing sense of humor and what not.

Vanessa said...

I'm so excited for you! I'm definitely going to get my very own copy when it comes out, and I can't wait for your fabulous giveaway extravaganza!

superanner said...

Hello Winona, I haven't commented before but I read your blog avidly and it's one of the highlights of my (already pretty jolly) day-to-day life! Congratulations on the book - it sounds brilliant. I almost cannot wait, so I can't begin to imagine how YOU must be feeling...

ambika said...

Congrats! I'm so pre-ordering...

sophia said...


I had kind of been wondering what your big news was going to be, but this is like... 900 times more exciting than anything I could have come up with. Congratulations!!

Sara Darling said...

So I got all excited about your book, cause hey, awesome blog tends to equal exceedingly nifty book.

Then you went and distracted me with the mention of an accordion version of "The Final Countdown." If your brothers seriously are for hire for that.... I've got a baby shower to plan.

Selina (Flying Saucer) said...

as if!!! omg wow a book, can't wait to get my hands on it!! well done winona

Rosie Unknown said...

Go you, go you, go you! And thank you, thank you, thank you!

I can't wait! I now know what I will be requesting when my birthday rolls around, only a little while after the release!

Also, I admire your perseverance, I can never stick with anything. I also admire that you managed not to sing and shout about this, as I would have done.

meliasaurus said...

i do not like to buy things online and although i read many webcomics and blogs that have published books i've never bought one. i am 100% committed to buying your book the DAY it releases (so there better be a sale. jk).

love you!

Mak said...

WHOOooooooOOOO!!! Go, Winona! Keep being an inspiration!

nadarine said...

I have been WAITING FOR THIS ANNOUNCEMENT. And you'd better believe that your book is already on my Amazon wishlist, lady.

Anonymous said...

congratulations!! i'm so excited for you & can't wait to buy the book!

soilikethelike said...

omg, omg, omg, omg!!! i'm not excited at all or anything..

Unknown said...

Your book is due out the same week as my first child. So, basically, our children could have the same birthday, but you won't have to nurse or change diapers. Congratulations!!

Lindsay said...

Congratz Nona!!!

I'm so excited for you :] I'm still all shocked and in awe even though Hundley blew it for me months ago ;]

Lots of luck dear!
First stop literature, Next stop television!

Kate said...

Wheeee! Wishlisted already, pretty lady! Can't wait to peek inside. Well done, you!

Leah said...


We can all have a little piece of Daddy Likey to put on our coffee table... And such.


Gabi said...

Fantastic news! I can't wait to pick up a copy for myself.

Disneyrollergirl.net said...

Oh wow, congratulations! Well done you X

Kaume'alani said...

I fucking love 'The Final Countdown'. Congrats on the book, very exciting, I know how much work goes into that.

C said...

Oh my! Congrats, Winona! This is amazing.

la petite fashionista said...

AH winona this is so freaking exciting! I've been an avid reader of Daddy Likey for the last few years and I'm so excited to see big things happening for you!:)

too bad we can't all have that release party!

rebecca said...

I am completely thrilled for you :)

Lesley said...

WOW, congrats!!! That's such an accomplishment!!! I can't wait to check it out!

Bridey said...

Congratulations, that is very exciting indeed!

Also, do you think it might be possible to post a video of one of your brothers playing The Final Countdown on the accordian?
Since we're missing the real thing :)

Tavi said...

Ahhhh so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need to get it, I'm sure it's one of the best books ever and if it makes me laugh even half as much as I do reading Daddy Likey then I am SOLD.

When do the five men get a book deal, eh?

Audi said...

How exciting! I can't wait to get my copy. Congratulations!!

Unknown said...

I owe it all to the Backstreet Boys as well...

Congrats! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy :)

FutureLint said...

GAAAAAAAAA! Mad congrats darling! This is too, too cool!

Tara said...

That's so amazing, congratulations!! I can't wait to read it!

Anonymous said...

Winona's brother Devin parked his car on the street and left his $1600.00 Titano Palmer Hughes Grand accordion on the back seat. After dinner when he returned to the car the wheels were gone, the windows were all busted. Frantically he looked in the back seat and found two accordians.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In all the circumstances of his (her)
life, the writer can recapture the feelings of a living community that will justify her. But only if she accepts as completely as possible the two trusts that constitute the nobility of her calling: the service of truth and the service of freedom.
Albert Camus

IHGP aka Dad
I am very proud of you

JessieB said...

Wow! Congratulations! You totally win at blog!

Lauren From Texas said...

Yeah girl! Congrats!

Emily said...

So buying it!!

Anonymous said...

Yay!!! I have the most entertaining moments of interneting with your blog, now I'll soon have a book to do the same! Way to go!

Marie said...

Congratulations! It sounds like it will be a fun book!

Christina said...

Way to go! I'm so excited to read this. I love your blog, and I'm sure the book will be just as great!

Ms Constantine said...

OMG Yay! Congratulations, that's amazing news!

P.S I totally want a video of one of your brothers playing The Final Countdown on the accordion.

P.P.S You must have some damn strong self will in order to not announce the book earlier!

lizzle said...

That's awesome! Congratulations, and I'm looking forward to the book!


L said...

heck yes!
a BOOK by Winona!? it's like christmas all over again! congratulations! do you know which stores will be carrying it and how we get a hold of this bundle of awesomeness?

VERONICA said...

In a situation like this I feel it's only appropriate to quote DJ Tanner: Woah Baby!!


K.Lo said...

Ohhh my gosh Winona. I love your blog and I KNOW I'm going to love your book too. I can't wait until Nov 9th!!! Thanks for all you do to help us gals on a budget be a lil more stylish. You are awesome and I am really happy for you. Congrats!

Robot_Love said...

Ahhh! Congrats! Can't wait! I NEED this book!

Sufjan said...

Oh my god! Wow!

Anonymous said...

This is amazing! We all believed in you.

Anonymous said...

YES!! I'm so excited!! Your blog is my favourite EVER and I check it every day!!! You are SO awesome :)

anne said...

...I had never heard of Sasquatch publishing before today when my friend's dad got the first copies of his book delivered, and now you've gone and made a book with them too. WEIRD.

Congrats, though!

Sarah said...

Congrats beautiful girl!!!

Unknown said...

WOw, that's amazing, where can I preorder a copy?!

Emma Lilly said...

I'm so jealous. I want to write a book like that someday. Can't wait to read it sounds awesom

Elise said...

This is so exciting! Congrats! Will one of the giveaways be a super special signed edition?

I'd cherish that :)

Queen Michelle said...

Yay!!! Your agent emailed me to send me an advance copy which I can't wait to receive!! Well done Lady W - you are officially a star who has actually done soemthing to deserve it.

jillian said...

wow! congratulations, winona! can't wait to obtain my copy!!

Sarah Von Bargen said...

So many hugs and so much love to you, friend. Sal and I are going to hook you up with some readings if you can make it out here. You can sleep on an inflatible matress in my dining room! <3

Lesley Myrick said...

YAAAAAY Winona! This is amazing news. Congrats - you've worked so hard for this! There had better be chocha references in this book, or I will be sad. ;)

Katy said...


kadler said...

Um, that's absolutely amazing! Congratulations!! Can't wait to see it in person :)

high over happy said...

De-lurking to congratulate you - that's great news!

emily said...

i didn't know you were writing a book! congrats. :) can't wait to read it...


Anonymous said...

That's amazing! Congratulations!!

jess said...

congratulations, that's totally awesome!

although i have to say i was never too impressed with krispy kreme. Apparently no one else was either - when they finally opened one in my area it promptly went out of business within a year or two!

Amanda M. said...

BWAH! Whoa, lady! I mean, I knew you were a big deal... but WHOA!

Now I'm gonna be all nervous when I @tweet you. I'll have to sit down and really craft it out, the same way I do when I @tweet Zachary Quinto. It's so nerve-racking. He's so famous. And now so are you.

Miss A said...

Congrats Winona!! I have jus tpre-ordered my Amazon copy and I can't wait to read it. I will have a Krispy Kreme in your honor shortly :)

Kori said...

Congratulations, you! I am so excited for you. I'm going to buy a copy and brag about how I know you (as in, internet blogger-to-blogger style knowing) to everyone and then treat the book like a bible. Truth.

Laurenica said...

This is SO exciting!!! I haven't posted a comment before (sorry!) but I LOVE your blog and you so deserve a book deal. Congrats

Anonymous said...


Cance said...

ohmygoodness winona! *squee* that's so exciting :D congratulations!

Smaggle said...

Holy mcmoly! Thats flippin amazing! Totally going to buy one... but how could I get you to sign it???

pretty said...

wow! you kept that one close to your chest... congratulations! x

Lopi said...

Congrats! I've already pre-ordered it!

(My word verification is "bless". If this isn't a sign from the force above that your book is gonna do great, then I don't know what is. Although, if it was "gogirl" it would be way more exciting.)

OwlFace said...

OH SWEET HELL, THAT IS SO AMAZING! but now my dreams of someday running into you and becoming friends are dashed, because you will be famous (...did that sound creepy?)

Sales Rack Raider said...

Congratulations, Winona! I want this book, and I neeeed this book. This will be a great Christmas gift to myself and a good number of other friends. Can't wait to read it!

Jaka Merriman said...

Well hot damn! Congratulations, darlin'. I can't wait to get my hot little hands on this one!

ELM said...

Congratulations!! The cover looks amazing btw!

Anonymous said...

Life has meaning again!

Leila said...

So Cool! I've always wanted to write a book. You inspire me. :)

echidna girl said...

Awesome. Can't wait to calculate my cleavage angle.

Sara said...

Oh my my my - see? I step away for a few weeks and I come back to FABULOUSNESS!
As a long time blog lurker I'd just like to say "hi" and "#$)(#$ing RAD!" I think I already know what my fashion forward friends are all getting for xmas!

annaloren said...

Here's my endorsement, beaming out to 10,000 NZers next week:

"Most anticipated book: 'Closet Confidential': Style Secrets Learned the Hard Way' by Winona Dimeo-Ediger. Ok, so I might be a wee bit biased as Winona's long one of my favourite people in the blogosphere (we've been friends ever since I congratulated her on “writing about fashion without being a misogynistic assnose”), but with content like 'Pythagorean's lesser known theory of cleavage angles' and 'shopping for jeans while retaining one third of your self-esteem', how can you go wrong? Winona's writing is clever, compassionate and funny as all hell, and I'm stoked that I get to peddle her book to you. It's out November 1, from Sasquatch Books."

Congratulations Winona, I am so very proud of you. xx

Fajr | Stylish Thought said...

That is amazing news! Congratulations!

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