Monday, September 21, 2009

Oh, did you want an awesome new purse, for free?

On this lovely Monday morning, I'm so excited to kick off a series of giveaways leading up to the release of Closet Confidential.

Today I'd like to share with you a brief excerpt from Chapter 6, The Bags We Carried: The Practical, Philosophical, and Fashionable Implications of a Woman's Purse, and a chance to win a handbag of your choice from, which means you get to choose from gorgeous bags like these:

(Sidenote: Did those pictures make you really hungry or is it just me?)

OK, here's your first itty bitty excerpt:

Shopping for purses is a certifiable Fun Fest. You don’t have to try anything on, every item fits perfectly, and you can experiment with crazy styles without risking your self-worth. Deciding how much to spend and where to shop for your new handbag(s) depends on how you would (honestly) answer the following question:

Are you a purse slut?

If you go through multiple purses a week, never satisfied, constantly bored, always craving excitement, adventure, and change, then you are a purse slut (hey, I'm not here to judge!) and should stick to less expensive purses. Shop at discount retailers, sale racks, thrift stores, and department stores for funky bags to feed your cravings, but make sure to add a few fairly basic options to your purse collection, just in case.

If you’re more the “find a nice purse and settle down type,” it makes sense to spend some money—a shocking amount of money, even—on a truly quality purse, because with a little care, you could use it literally every day for the next fifty years.

For a chance to win a fabulous new bag of your own, just leave a comment telling me whether you are a purse slut or a "settle down with a nice purse" type (FYI--I'm a total purse slut) or something in between. I can't wait to read your answers, and will choose TWO lucky winners at random next Monday. International readers are welcome to enter, and if you'd like an extra entry thrown in the pot, just mention this contest in a post on your blog or tweet about it (@daddylikeyblog).

Thank you and good luck!


Daiana said...

definitely, a purse slut and quite proud of it too =))

Ali said...

i'm a bit of a purse slut. I've settled down a bit since my wild slutty teenage years though!

Ms Constantine said...

I'm in between. I like to buy cheapish bags and wear them till death, or till the next best thing comes along.

Every now and then I'll get really into a colour or style and find one of my old abandoned purses to revive.

Mag said...

I'm a bit of a purse slut, but I have to say that this is just a recent development. I've always been a "one bag per time" person, but a couple of years ago I started buying cute handbags, and I didn't stop XD
I don't buy several purses a week, not even several purses a month!, but I think that's mostly because of the fact that I don't have that much money, or the fact that I am also a lipstick, eyeshadow, books, dvd, skirts, shoes etc. slut... ahem. But yeah, purse slut for me :D

WiniW said...

I try to be faithful but I'm often a slut :)

Currently shopping for a new handbag as my graduation/Xmas/bday present from my folks. Want: Mimco button bag. But can I afford it? No. Sad. I'd even promise to be faithful to it! But $450AU? I'd have to be faithful for a looooong time to justify the cost (no matter who paid for it!)

SHOEGAL said...

I think I'm in between. I buy lots of cheap bags but then am too lazy to actually switch them over so end up sticking with one for weeks (or months) on end.

theparty said...

Purse Slut. Without a doubt. My bedroom is affectionately referred to as 'Bag Mountain'.

Anne-Marie said...

Im in the process of switching over from being a purse slut mainly due to laziness and not liking the hassle of transferring all my crap to a new bag just to match my outfit!!

Also wearing a suit to work everyday kind of limits the bags you can carry - my rainbow brite bag hasnt had an outing in mths!

cuttlefish said...

hahah, a total purse-slut!

kadler said...

Such a slut.

Love the excerpt! Can't wait for your book :)

Whit said...

Total and complete purse slut. You can never have too many bags, I have a particular weakness for evening bags.

SOPHIE said...

I think I'm a purse commitment-phobe... I stick to one at a time but after a few months I get twitchy and have to move on to something new ;)

Unknown said...

To be honest, I relate more to the "find a nice bag and settle down" type of purse owner. Unfortunately, I am far too cheap to actually BUY a nice bag and so am stuck using less expensive purses until. they. die.

and yes, the purses made me hungry. I'm not entirely sure why.

Anna M. said...

I'm like, a born-again purse virgin.

Meaning I used to tool around with every old sack, pouch, and satchel; but I've since reformed my ways and settled down with a few nice purses. This change was facilitated by finding my true purse loves (high-quality but low-priced) via vintage/resale shops. I ain't sayin' I'm a gold digger!

Christina said...

I used to be the sluttiest purse slut, searching for so-so purses at low prices because I wanted that thrill of carrying something totally new.

However, I've changed (I think for the better) and now choose to buy a couple of expensive (for me), quality purses in neutral colors to match and luxe-ify all of my outfits.

I still have a couple of weaknesses, though-- cheap vintage clutches from thrift stores and canvas graphic totes! Maybe I'm still secretly a slut!

AMJ said...

Oh wow, I am a purse slut from way back. When I was little, my parents called me "the bag lady" (har har). I change purses twice a week, minimum.

I long to be a "settle down" type -- I swear my slutitude is all in pursuit of that one perfect bag -- but I know it will never be. My "purse mood" swings too much!

Unknown said...

I'm a purse slut. I change out my bag almost daily. Love them!

Unknown said...

I totally retweeted your tweet!

C said...

Quite disappointingly, I am NOT a purse slut. To add onto that, my bank account forces me to buy the purses that purse sluts would buy (ie the cheap ones) without the satisfaction of identifying as one of them. Sad day indeed. SO excited for your book and sweet giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm as committed as they come. In fact, whenever I do change purses, I'm fraught with guilt and wonder when she'll call, begging for me to take her back.

But despite my tendencies towards long time purse relationships, I'm cheap. Terribly, terribly cheap.

Alpha Monkey said...

I have 4, no 6, bags. And they rotate accordingly. I have the same bag in two sizes for daily use depending on what I need to bring along. I err on the side of too small over carrying something big and half empty. I have one dressy dark, one dressy light, and one I bought for a wedding and used only once and I feel very guilty every time I run across it in my closet. Plus one totally fun and colorful one I pull out in March when I need to believe that winter will end soon. It keeps me sane until May. I guess that makes me consistently, serially, unfaithful.

Word Verification *Messedu*: the current state of my whole house.

Dreampuff said...

I totally just wrote "purse slut" as my facebook status. Because it's so true.
Cursed/blessed with a large rack, it's really hard to find nice things to fit, so purses are there to fill the gap.

If it was socially acceptable to wear a purse as a shirt, I would be cured from my sluttyness. Or it would make it ten times worse.

Pick me pick me pick me,

Claire L. said...

I'm a "settle down" type, definitely. I think I've had a total of three purses, not counting the impossibly shiny silver clutch I got for prom or the black tote I bought from Michael's and painted to look like a Magic Murder Bag (google it, then buy every season of The Venture Bros). Those two don't count.

Elise said...

A little from column a...a little from column b...

I LOVE purses, I change my bag anywhere from weekly to monthly. I guess that makes me a purse slut.

On the other hand I destroy my purses so when I was buying $20 Target bags, or $10 Walmart bags I would only get a month or two out of them. So now I do tend to buy quality purses more often than not, in that sense I'm a settle down with a nice purse type.

I'm actually on a purse ban right now, I've made it since April without buying a purse and I'm hoping to last the rest of the year but they're all just so pretty! But winning a free purse totally doesn't break the ban!

G. said...

I'm no purse slut. I'm ridiculously committed to my purses. One could say that I'm almost a purse nun.

Heidi Rose said...

I'm beginning to think I am pretty consistent with these things, because just like with men and movie rental places, I'm the "find a nice one and settle down" type.

Jackie said...

I'm the settling down kind. I've got a basic black cross-body purse, good for travel and bought specifically for a trip to Russia a few years back. Next are a cute brown/pink tote and a lovely (and huge!) red/white number made from recycled paper and canvass. Who says cute purses have to make the earth cry?! Engage Green FTW! And finally, I have a beautiful blood red Fossil hobo which is my current default. I've had all of these for at least three years and love them all.

Emma said...

I'm definitely the settle down type. I own three purses only one of which I use. Sometimes I dream of being a purse slut though - lining up all the pretty colours to oogle at!

Kim said...

I think I prefer settling down! I wear my bags to shreds, and I was seriously sad when the strap of my favourite (brown, leather, small) vintage purse snapped.

[null] said...

I settle down. The current purse/bag I'm using is a gray messenger-ish bag that I use from everything from college to kickboxing to dinners. >_>

I should probably switch around, but always forget to do so.

Ashe Mischief said...

Serial monogamist here. I get a purse, only when I really love it (and occasionally drop a big hunk of cash on it), and use it for long-term stints---usually six months to a year at least. Then I buy a new one I love, and the other goes in to the closet.

I probably SHOULD swap them out more, so they get more love, but that seems so time consuming... but I like to think that their storage is part of the preservation ritual.

Liz said...

I'm mostly a one-purse girl, but tend to be a little abusive to my poor defenseless handbag...our relationship needs some intervention. :/

Anonymous said...

I'm a total settler. I've had readers ask me why I don't post photos of my outfits WITH my handbags ... and that is because I use the same one every damn day of my life.

LOVED the excerpt, lady! Can't wait to read more.

Jessica said...

I'm definitely in a committed relationship with the purses I have, I have 6 if I remember right, been using the current one for a year now! (gasp) I did go through a year a while back of being a purse slut and throwing my purse love around to any bag that would hold it, but I just wasn't satisfied. It was totally them, not me. Ever since I've been settled down with my purses. We sit on the porch swing and yell at random passers by to get off our lawn!

Christine said...

I'm closer to the purse slut end of the spectrum. However, my budget has prevented me from being a true purse slut, but I have discovered I enjoy sewing purses, so many of mine are fabric that I've sewn myself.

Kayla said...

I'm definitely the "find a nice purse and settle down type". My current purse is a designer hand-me-down that I got from my high school guidance counselor three years ago (she is self-proclaimed purse slut--only she would never dirty her hands on a sale rack), but I am now in the market for a new purse. I'm doing all the research and treating it like a serious investment! tuition or new purse? Priorities!

Rural Felicity said...

I'm a "find a nice purse and settle down type", but I'm never closed off to getting a new purse if need be! I like a purse where I know where everything is, I'm comfortable with all its nooks and crannies (crannys?), and it fits. Kinda like shoes and jeans... a new pair, well I'm not going to turn them down, but I definitely have my favorites. :)

Mel said...

Im a purse slut!! i change out almost daily..

Michelle LeBlanc said...

Definitely a purse slut. Thank god for Marshalls & similar cheap-ish stores. Otherwise I could never financially support my addiction.

Good luck with the book!

Caroline said...

I'm definitely into bags I can take home to meet my mother! If my budget would allow it, though, I'd probably purse-slut it up more.

kristine said...

I like to find a nice purse and settle down. I can't help it--I'm a monogamous sort of accessorizer!

Vanessa said...

I'm more of a one bag kinda gal. I've been using the same lovely, tan, linen one I got at Express on super discount for ages.

Alana said...

I'm a 'one bag at a time' kinda gal. If i start switching purses, I lose things.

Jody said...

I used to be really slutty when I was younger but now I tend to pick a purse from my collectin I'll use for the season for every day. (Currently a tan linen cross body I've had for about 10 yeaars) But on the weekend will swap out to match my outfits. It must be fall I just broke out a gray/black hobo with a dull gray chain this weekend. I'm looking for a new cross body that will work for this fall/winter for everyday.

brista said...

I'm a settle-down kind. I have a couple that I use when I go out, but though I love looking at bags, I usually just can't imagine where I would go with a sparkly gold bag, you know? Mostly I carry a bookbag but I know there has to be better way to do bags in college!

Unknown said...

I'm a bit in between. I'll get once and use it nonstop for a few months, then I'll get another, or find an old one, and switch. I'm also the type who has a different bag for every occasion. I think the most I've spent is $90, but I've used it as luggage and to carry my horrid college texts.

Becky said...

I'm the type to settle down, but I still can't bring myself to spend more than $50 on a purse. What can I say? I like 'em cheap!

Anna said...

I'm more the settling down type, even though I don't mean to be. I always buy cheap bags, thinking I can toss it once I get bored, but then I don't. Eventually (sometimes YEARS later), I'll buy a new bag and lovingly place the old one in my closet, just in case.

meliasaurus said...

i am definitely a settle down with a nice purse type.
my current purse is one i found from my grandma. it has an across the shoulder strap - great for biking!!! and it is just the perfect size for my necessities. it's brown but it's just the right type of brown that works when i wear black (which is everday).
it started falling apart and i had to take it to get it fixed at a tailor. i waited a whole month to get it back and now that i have it back that little hole in my heart is full again.

Muttersome said...

I'm definitely a settle-down kind of person. I have three purses that I rotate between but mostly because I can't justify carrying a black leather handbag when I'm wearing a brown blazer.

Elaine said...

I am the Black Widow of purses. I'll settle down with one, but then use it ceaselessly until it is a little pile of ragged leather and fabric, thus freeing me to buy a new purse!

-Elaine S.

KayeStar said...

I am somewhere in between I have about 2-3 main purses at any given time that I switch between, and about 700 (that could be a slight lie) on the back burner that I may pull out if none of my main purses seem to go with what I am wearing.

stephanie said...

I am a slow and steady girl - I have maybe three purses I rotate...and a few lovers in the closet I pull out for those specific occasions. Those two or three nice purses I spend a lot on though, they really carry me throughout the year!

McClure ELA 8 said...

wish I was sluttier.... is that bad?

Jennifer said...

I'm a recovering purse slut...I have oodles of vintage bags and still cop them whenever I find one I like, but my pace has slowed considerably. I dropped more than $100 on a bag earlier this year for the first time ever, and since I've been carrying that bag for about 6 months consistently, I see that as some kind of significant reform from slut-dom.

allison said...

I am such a purse slot, although I honestly wish I could settle on an awesome, expensive black bag for work that also just happens to be sensible and will last forever. Here's to hoping!

Anonymous said...

I'm definitely a "settle down with a nice purse" type- although it's still hard to convince myself to buy expensive bags!


♥ Donna Vitan said...

I'd say that I like to settle down with a few main purses but once in a while swap out for something really pretty and shiny.

Jae said...

Clutch slut, serial monogamist when it comes to serious satchels. I like to think it's the best of both worlds.

Sara Freedman said...

OMG. Can't wait to read this book! xo

linds said...

I'd love to embrace my inner purse slut but working where I do has me in a rut of boring bags and the occasional black purse to spice it up. Even the husband-elect commented on my lack of color lately so it's my mission this week to add some color to my purses

Rachelle at Craft Rage said...

I'm a TOTAL closet purse junkie; I shop for them all the time, and admire them on other people, but my husband can't get over the fact that he uses the same wallet for two years; what could I possibly need 20 purses for?

So, whenever I buy purses, I buy black ones, because he never notices a new purse unless the color changes. That's probably why the lime green purse in that picture makes my heart go pitter-patter.

Brooke said...

I'm a one-puse-woman! Truth is I'm really picky, so it takes me forever to find a purse that I love that will go with everything. I can't wait for the day when I have the money to buy a buttery leather purse. Drool.

Nicole said...

I'm mostly and one-purse woman for day-to-day life, but I love to switch it up when I'm dressing up and going out.

Amber said...

Definitely a purse slut. But I don't interchange my purses weekly, well, not every week anyway. -whistles-

JessieB said...

I'm a bit of a purse slut, but I've forbidden myself to buy another for at least a year from the last one...but since I've got so many, it's like shopping every time I take the bin out!

Mandy said...

I'm very a fault. I love my H&M black purse that I've had for a year and a half, and you can tell from where the fake leather has started flaking! Not a great look, but it's so hard to find another one I like!

ellen said...

I'd say I'm a purse serial monogamist... my bags and I tend to have exclusive relationships, but that doesn't mean they won't be dropped at the drop of a hat when something new catches my fancy. Old Purse shouldn't despair though, as the New Purse is frequently an ex-Steady Bag.

Rhandi said...

I'm a total purse SNOB. I don't buy designer clothes, but will spend an obscene amount of money on a good bag and only switch it out with one of my others, like... once a season or something. I am a sucker for the details... buttery leather, shiny zippers & buckles, amazing stitching.

Robot_Love said...

I am definitely somewhere in between. I have my ol' faithfuls that I sometimes switch between.. but there are only two that I use on a regular basis. I would love to be a purse slut, but shoes always seem to consume my wardrobe funds first. Whoops!

a. readings said...

i like the commitment...for awhile. Then i'm on to the next. But more than one purse a week is too much for me. It would somehow feel...dishonest?

Anonymous said...

My name is Angelina, and I am a purse slut. (Although I prefer the term "Collector") My purses are lovingly displayed in a glass-front bookshelf (three shelves full) hanging on a coat rack, and nestled amongst other treasures on my closet shelf.

Yes, I change purses (and wallets) pretty much daily. My collection ranges from basic and classic black to the full spectrum, the most outrageous being a metallic basket-woven electric-blue Elliott Lucca clutch. I have never paid full-price for any of these purses, instead hunting sale racks, discount stores, and even scoring a Coach bag at Buffalo Exchange...

As some say, its all in the details- the exquisitely woven strap, little feet at the bottom, contrasting lining color, handy pockets, the clasp... And, as Winona pointed out, the purse always fits (unlike the shoes, the jeans, that one dress...) My name is Angelina, and I am a purse slut. *Cheers!*

Jean said...

I tend to have two purses: one bold crazy one to spice up boring clothes, and one sensible go-with-everything black or brown one. Any more than that and I'm in "Where did I leave my keys?!" territory.

Kate said...

I'm a "settle down with a nice purse" type. I've been using the same two purses for years....which is why I could really use a new one :)

AlliJean said...

I'm a purse slut, but I understand having a few good reliable bags in the closet. I feel kind of bad for them because they are always there for me, but I don't get excited about them.

Anne At Large said...

I'm in between - I'd be a total purse slut if I wasn't so picky, but it has to be just the right size with long enough handles and enough pockets and this, that and the other so I have a couple that I rotate through every couple of weeks. Tragically, the best purse ever (found at a hippie store in Nevada City, burgundy, perfect size, AND BATIK ELEPHANTS) has finally bit the dust. This, I have discovered, is the tragedy of awesome fabric bags. Sigh.

Michelle said...

What can I say, I wear my purse slut badge with honor.

grace said...

i buy thrift store purses by the 99-cent dozen...but i tend to use the same one for an extended amount of time. depending on how many items of necessity one must tote around, changing bags more than once a week can be a bit least i think so! i stick to only one carry-all for at least a month or so...let it pile up with crumpled receipts and other bits, then eventually do a mass cleanup and switch. and with my extensive backlog of purses waiting to be filled, i'm hardly ever at a loss for something new. i'm not sure if that makes me a purse slut...i prefer to think of it as constantly investing in my future.

Michelle said...

I just posted about your giveaway on my blog:

I pulled a few pics and posted those too. Check it out if you'd like and make sure it's cool with you.


Dee said...

I'm a one purse woman all the way. In fact, I made myself the most perfect bag the other day. It's neon blue, and I embroidered a zombie and a unicorn on it. It has a cell phone pocket, and a pocket for money and my ipod. It fits everything I need, makes me happy when I use it, and I'm proud that I made it. However, sometimes it clashes with my outfits. Soo I definitely need another purse.

Vindiciti said...

I'd have to say that I'm a settle down type. When shopping for a purse with friends, I've been yelled at because I have to bond with a purse to purchase it. Then I get upset (and excited) when something like a sauce packet or ink pen explodes inside it and I need a new one. Bah, sneaky kids!

Lorena said...

My name is Lorena. I am a purse whore.
I know I have problem. But, every time one of those lovely bags winks at me I have to take them home !!
I seriously have to find a problem to my cure... (a bigger closet!)

Wendy said...

Somewhere in between for me. I spend more on a basic day bag that holds everything (usually in a rich brown) and carry it most of the time but I like having occasional flings with less expensive colorful bags when I need to pull the colors of an outfit together or add interest, or when I just need a little extra color in my life.

Lindsay said...

I settled down with my childhood sweetheart, a beautiful turquoise Vera Bradley tote at a tender age.

But lately, the other purses have been taunting me. They know I'm settled down, so they are trying to seduce me.

I think I'm turning into a purse slut.

Allison McMillan said...

Dear Winona,

Alas, I am neither a purse slut or a stick-to-it purse girl. I am a serial purse adulterer. I buy a purse, THE purse, with visions of me and my purse dancing in a field of flowers as the seasons change one after the other, so happy together. But a couple of months into the relationship I find my steps getting a little slower in the bag department. Next I descend into the covert eye-contact stage-just lustful fleeting glances. Then one day, I just can't help myself anymore-I do the deed and bring home the new love. This means I accumulate lots of purses, but I can't use them, because I can't bring myself to look the last one in the eye...*SIGH*. Do you think there is any help for me?

Lisa said...

I'm a "settle down with a nice purse" type of girl, but fortunately for me my Chanel 2.55 is receptive to the idea of an open relationship. :-)

BAM said...

I'm a "settle down with a nice purse" kind of gal.

Dr Skylaser said...

I'm a . . . long-term polygamist? I often change purses to go with my outfit (or put together an outfit specifically to go with the purse all my stuff is already in), but I also use beloved purses for years and years and years.

Anonymous said...

I'm a serial purse monogamist. In fact, I've been carrying the same plain brown purse with near perfect ubiquity for three years now. I love the idea of mixing it up, and I do try to for going out, but I simply carry around too much crap to change purses daily. I mean, what if I accidentally forgot my tiny screwdriver, six pieces of moleskin, or cuticle butter? The day might end in tragedy.

echidna girl said...

I'm a closet serial monogamist, mascarading as a someone looking for a long-term relationship but unable to commit.

Paxton P. Pigeon said...

I'm definitely the settle down purse type. I switch purses about twice a year, with the seasons basically!

Molly said...

i am a settle down purse type. i actually made my own bag that i carry all the time now and was sad when i had to switch to a bigger one because school started.

Frugal Bon Vivant said...

I'm a settle down type purse gal, but I like to look... not sure what that makes me! ;)

Jenni said...

I'm very much a settle-down type. Every time I switch purses, something fails to transfer over and I'm left phone-less or pen-less or Ipod-less for a good three hours, at least!

emmag said...

I'm a wannabe purse slut who is too damn lazy to ever switch. This usually means I end up carrying a completely inappropriate teal blue sparkly number every day.

FutureLint said...

I'm a total settle down kinda girl, I have one Hayden-Harnett bag that I carry every day. I do thrift a lot of vintage purses for special occasions though. I think I'm just too lazy to switch purses all the time, I always wind up losing stuff!

Erin said...

haha. i'm generally the type to settle down with a purse, but for a night on the town, i've been known to slut it up.

julia f said...

a polyamorist - i have long term concurrent relationships with several bags.

The Barb said...

Most definitely a purse slut and i shop at thrift store for em.

Kathleen C. said...

Although I am "settle down with a nice purse" in real life, in my fantasy life (where I have two packed closets including a separate one just for accessories, and someone whose job is to co-ordinate my outfits for me every morning) I am a purse, shoe, scarf and jewelry slut. And a hat dallier.

Elizabeth said...

I buy purses about as frequently as I buy shoes, which isn't often at all. I also tend to keep my shirts and jeans until they become shabby enough to start using as a dish towel. Although I like to ogle at cute items like bright yellow polka-dotted sandals, or swanky bags with little flowers on them, I just can't bring myself to take them home with me- knowing I have a functional version of them at home. Graduating and getting a steady career may change this lifestyle ;p.

anne said...

I'm somewhere in between. I have one primary purse (mostly because I have so much stuff it's not feasible to switch all the time), but I like to switch up my bag for different outfits, especially for special occasions.

ArkieStyleErin said...

I want to have my purse and eat it too. Pruse slut? Not quite. Yet I don't quite settle down with a good investment bag either. I want a funky purse, good quality, yet incredibly durable. Can it be hosed off after a raucous night at the bar? And I want to pay no more than $20 for this bag. Much like a good man (who may also be hosed off after a wild night at the bar), this purse does exist. But you just have to look. Hard. Don't forget to wear a cute bra.

Lorena Cupcake said...

Oh, I'm such a ho-bag when it comes to purses I believe my phone number is scrawled on the walls of my closet with the words "For a good time, call."

Summer said...

I am faithful. In fact, so faithful that when I found a second of my favorite clutch on sale where I bought the first one - I bought a second. And keep it pristine and use the older one for dirty activities like going to the farmer's market!

Arlina said...

I think I fall between categories - a purse flirt if you will! You see every time a purse smiles seductively my way, even when I know its wrong I smile back, spend too much time fondling it and planning where I will take it, I sometimes even take them home with me! But at the end of the day I just cant go through with it and 99 times out of 100 its old faithful who leaves the house with me. Even though i get briefly distracted by a flashy new model I always come back to comfortability and familiarity!

Jaka Merriman said...

I definitely fall in between categories on this one. I have four purses, three of which are newish. I've only ever bought them when I "needed" them= - for events or specific use. But once I find the right one(s) I tend to keep them for a long time. A serial purse-ogamist?

Erin said...

I am the settling down type. If I find a purse that feels like "me," I will wear it until it falls apart.

Kristin said...

I'm not a bag slut - most of my bags are gifts. But I am the BIGGEST shoe slut you will ever meet - 50+ pairs and I'm only 15, holla!

Michelle said...

I'm somewhere in between - I change up purses sometimes, if I need a nice clutch for an evening out, but tend to stick with one bag and wear it until it falls apart. So I should probably stop buying cheap bags and just suck it up and get a nice Tano or Hayden Harnett bag! Purses just aren't super important to me, as long as they're not hideous and hold everything I don't much think about them honestly!

Heidi Rose said...

I feel like I needed to write a post about this. Check it out.

Krista said...

I'm an in-betweener. Hm, that sounds kinda gross. But I like to have both kinds of purses. Ones I can switch up day-to-day, but then also a good standby neutral classic :)

I love those three purses!!!

Courtney said...

I used to be a purse slut, until I discovered what a fine, high end bag could provide for me. I've been carrying my current bag for over a year and half.

I will confess that I do sometimes seek out other bags for a fun time. My main bag and I have an open relationship like that. It knows I will always come back.

Bekah said...

haahahahahha purse slut, that's the most hilarious term ever
I think I'm an inbetween
I have a fair amount of bags but I stick to the same few...and I don't spend a lot on them, either

Unknown said...

I'm definitely a Settle-Down kind of gal. My last 2 purses were actually identical, but in different colors, and you cannot understand the glee I experienced in having found a replacement for my beloved mustard-yellow leather messenger bag and to have it be pebbled black leather with green interior, classic! I don't spend a ridiculous amount of money, but I didn't hardly hesitate to plonk down $150 for each of these bags. In cost-per-wear, though, I think it was down to the half-cents for the yellow bag and we're getting there with the black one, haha.

Unknown said...

i'm a tote bag slut, but when it comes to a real hand bag, i'm a one purse kind of woman.

Applesaucery said...

I'm somewhere in between. I especially like when I can get expensive bags as presents instead of buying them myself. : ) I have a Fossil purse that is my LOVER and I've had it for two years now and I don't want to replace it, but I do like to own more than one purse, for variety. I have a Baggallini backpack that I also love when I want a smaller purse. And I'm considering getting a brightly colored one just now, so winning one would be BEAUTIFUL.

Anonymous said...

More the settle-down type, although I've been dating around a bit recently. Brittney of Lemon Love and I have had a rather fierce ongoing battle about this, due to the fact that she buys EVERY PURSE IN THE UNIVERSE and I still carry an ugly burgundy canvas thing from the seventh grade.

Not for lack of trying.

Manda said...

I would love to find a nice purse to settle down with, and forget all those other purses I've used. Start fresh!

Kit and Kaboodle said...

I'm the "settle down" type. I'll buy a really nice purse and wear it forever.

Amy said...

I definitely like to find a nice bag and settle down. If I switch bags too often I invariably find myself lacking my hairbrush/gum/lotion/cell phone/(insert random item here).

Samantha said...

Usually a purse slut, but I always come back to the same beaten-up canvas tote. Does that even count as a purse? Is it cruel to my other purses when I use them, neglect them, then remember that I love them after weeks with no phone calls or messages?

kathemc(at)gmail(dot)com said...

I'm more of a bag-relationship-recycler. I look at other bags, flirt with them, buy them and take them out, but inevitably wind up back in the arms of the same one or two bags, pleading "I love you, I always loved you, there'll never be another like you, all other bags are a pale comparison to you." Three weeks later, I'm off somewhere holed up in a seedy hotel room with a new satchel or hobo.

kathemc(at)gmail(dot)com said...

tweeted too (katheel)

Kristina said...

i'm fairly monogamous with with my daily purse, but i also like to have a stable of purses to choose from in case an occasion calls for a fancier bag.

jenny tuesday said...

purse slut held back by lack of money :D

Anonymous said...

settle down with a nice purse... i dream of being a purse slut and then just don't seem to have the time to switch.

Krystal said...

I'm in between, I want to be a purse slut and I buy them like I am but I tend to stick with just one purse. Because when I do switch purses I feel bad for the one I just left behind.

laila said...

oh man, I'm such a serial bag monogamist. except now that I think about it I might be more of a bag polygamist, because while I stay committed to my bags until they've been reduced to tattered rags on straps I do have kind of a lot of them.

if my bags were Mormon wives there would be the high-maintenance status bag, the nurturing and dependably accommodating bag, the willful sexy and totally impractical bag ... etc.

Brande said...

I'm a commitment-phobic-quasi-purse-slut. For example, I used a cute little hobo bag from Loyal Army for 4 months before I got bored. On the other hand, there have been times I've gotten halfway through the day, looked at my purse, and been painfully bored. Once I found my Soul Purse... a silver hobo bag with expanding zippers. The perfect size. Just enough pockets. Comfortable. Quirky. I took him for granted though. Used and abused him for months, and he fell all to pieces. It was a sad day when I had to let him go. =[

Anonymous said...

i'm a purse slut, fa sho!

guilty as charged ;)

Claire B said...

I'm definitely the purse slut type. I am considering playing for both teams though--mostly because I want an excuse to buy a nice, quality bag for a bit more than I'd normally spend.

Annie Spandex said...

I'd say I'm a serial monogamist ;)

Alyce said...

purse slut! i can never find one I like, which leads to a lot of purse hopping.

lizzle said...

I'm terribly monogamous to my handbag. Once I find a bag that's what I want, I keep it til it falls apart, and even then I'm loath to get a new one. (I'm not a fan of bag shopping, possibly because I'm picky). Looks like I'm in the minority!


Hannah said...

Oh I'm the furthest from a purse slut I could possibly be! I have owned a grand total of 2 purses in my life...and I only ever use them when I'm not wearing jeans (not often!). Otherwise, my cell phone goes in my left front pocket, wallet in the back right, and my keychain hangs off my belt loop.
That said I certainly wouldn't object to building a collection! I want to wear more skirts and dresses, so a great purse is essential.


silverrangel said...

Def. a find a nice purse and settle down type...or in my case, find a few nice purses. ;]

Lisa said...

hi, my name is dee, and i'm a purse slut. it's been almost two months since my last purse purchase. however, i must be honest, as soon is i finish paying this semesters tuition i fully intend on breaking the fast.

Dot said...

I tend to settle down, but I think I'm a purse slut at heart. I'm a contradiction, I suppose! I am always vaguely dissatisfied with the bags I end up carrying all the time.

Ashlee said...

I'm a "settle down with a nice purse," I just haven't found that purse yet!

nonailstoday said...

I'm the "find a nice purse and settle down type." My grandma gave me a small plain black Coach purse because it was too small for her and although I don't have the opportunity to use it often because it's so small, I cherish the times I can.

amanda said...

I'm the biggest purse slut. I'm the Barney Stinson of purses.

I've thought about settling down with a nice Marc Jacobs, but I know I would cheat on it with a $20 Target floozy and then feel really guilty, so I whore myself to any bright coloured leather studded with tons of hardware.

elaine said...

Wow! These bags are gorgeous-just call me a wannabe purse slut!

Elaine R

Mary Van Notes said...

Deep down I wish I was a purse slut, but I'm just so darn picky. I still have yet to find the love of my life to settle down with, to have on my arm forever and ever. I'm more of a purse romantic. : )

ky said...

purse slut!

Jo said...

I am a purse hoochie!

The Starving Student said...

Ok I am a purse whore! I go beyond slut. I change my purse with every outfit it can be a bit tedious at time especially when you forget which purse you forgot your favorite shade of lip gloss or worse yet your wallet!

C said...

I'm definitely the monogamous type.... when it fits, it fits.

GLC said...

I like to think of myself more as a purse polygamist (or polyandrist, depending on what gender you think purses are). I have a handful of rather cheap purses that I cycle through, depending on the day's task. One purse for work - a large and respectable fake leather black purse. One for running errands - A huge purse the size of a small suitcase, with an anime character on the side. One for fun times - A Betsy Johnson purse. And so on. i have an established harem and the rare occasion, I add one to the cycle.

Bailey said...

I'm a bit of a slut. There's that one tried and true bag that I keep running back to, but after a few weeks I need a little affair... really just to remind me how much I love my main squeeze. We'll probably all end up on Maury looking for the coin purse's babydaddy.

Cal said...

I'm more of a purse relationship kind of a girl. I just have a few that I rotate between every couple of months but I do have some stellar vintage purses and clutches that are on a wall in my bedroom. They're too delicate to actually use but I ADORE them so, they've become decor :)

nadarine said...

As Tom Petty (sort of) said, I just happen to have a lot of pretty, pretty bags that I call friends. Friends with benefits- the benefit being that they hold my keys, phone, ID, and cash.
That's not slutty, that's COLLECTING. Right? Right.

Anonymous said...

I'm not as bad as I used to be. I just moved across the country and got rid of a lot of purses, but still have a lot!

Loopy said...

I like to think of myself as a settle down type, but my closet and drawers full of fabulous purses tends to disagree! :)

CraftyHope said...

I'm more of a settle down type, but like most girls I save many of my purses to use for other occasions. I def have more shoes than purses though!!

Oh! I'm gonna tweet this too (I'm @CraftyHope on twitter)

Elissa said...

Total purse slut! Since I don't carry one every day, it has to make a statement to be worn. And the crazier and more colorful, the better.

Kaume'alani said...

Total purse slut. That's why I bought a Miche bag.

Katie B said...

I'm definately a "find a nice purse and settle down" type. I have few purses, but I love them and I enjoy looking for new ones to adopt into the family.

do dah said...

i am a purse slut, but do not completely discount the possibility of finding a nice purse to settle down with one day, when i have money. (ironically, this is the opposite of how it tends to work in the dating world. but if i found a nice purse that was also filled with money, i would not refuse).

E the Intrepid said...

I would be a purse slut, but I haven't the funds or the parental permission. (My mom's sartorial religion frowns upon sleeping around.)

Lindsay said...

Actually I am a shoe sl ut... But WOWZA!! I might just switch over to purses!

The green one in the middle makes hungry, you aren't the only one.

Anonymous said...

Im a purse slut. especially for those bags you get from fleamarkets, or thrift shops of some old ladys closet. :)

True Colors said...

I think that I am somewhere in between...a happy medium if you will, although if I find a purse I REALLY love then I will definitely use it for longer than I probably should. :)

rb said...

I'm serially monogamous. I find a nice purse I like, settle down with it with good intentions, but then divorce it for the next pretty specimen that comes along.

ania said...

I am such a commitment type of girl when it comes to bags. I have one nice spring/summer bag and am actually on the search for a gorgeous fall/winter one. And those bags up there? Seriously making me lust.

Frances Joy said...

I'm in between. I have several purses that I keep in rotation, but I settle with one for about six months at a time. Is there space for serial monogamy in the handbag game?

Miss Anthrope said...

I am a total purse slut, however I need to elaborate a bit here. I know and understand the need for business appropriate bags, so I have a great quality brown purse and a good quality black one (I need to find an awesome one, BTW). However my daily use purses tend to be bright, happy, colorful, and I tend to change them at least every three days. I am a mom, and as such, carry a few thousand things in my purse, so changing purses is not as easy as it was when all I had to wory about was my wallet and a lipgloss, but nagdabbit I get bored easily.

RBBR said...

Your book sounds so good Winona, nice work! :)

Oh man, let me tell you; I'm totally a-settle-down-with-purse kinda gal. So much so, in fact, that my few charised purses are litterally falling apart. Here the other day, while strolling around town, one of the straps on my beloved purse snapped in two. RIP my faithful pal. You will be missed. :(

Leah said...

I'm more the type to settle down with a nice purse, but I tend to go in phases more than anything. :) Right now I'm in a "brightly-colored anything" phase.

ninaribena said...

No question, I'm a purse slut for sure. The collection of a weeks worth of purses makes my coat rack groan. There's no more room in my closet, but how can one help it... and why?... I'd take any of those pretty purses to dinner.

rhymeswithcori said...

I'm most definitely the settling down with a nice purse type of gal. I hate everything that comes with switching purses- I always forget something!

Rachel said...

I am and always will be a purse slut, a purse sex addict haha. I'd say I have around 50 purses, but believe me, there's always room for more. And every year, I buy another one. I could do it every week, everyday even, if I had the $$$ lol. My favorite one right now is a cream Michael Kors bag, but as a true bag whore, my heart belongs to a few others, my black with rainbow stitched Fendi, my black Maurizio Tauiti, and on and on. I was just in Kate Spade the other day, it was the last day of their Labor Day sale, and I fell in love with a navy blue wicker bag. It was so so gorgeous. I wanted to buy it so bad, but I showed restraint. I have no idea how.

Tweeted here:

sophia said...

I guess I'm inbetween? I buy fairly cheap purses and carry them until they are falling apart. I probably would settle down if I weren't so cheap.

Aubrey said...

I'm a purse slut who is still looking for "the one" I can settle down with. I need one small enough to not look like a diaper bag (even though it would double as one) and big enough that I can still sneak a half gallon of ice cream into a dark movie theater to enjoy!

Typhoid Ashley said...

I'm a former purse slut, but my slut tendencies are still there. I stick with one lately because I'm far too lazy to switch all the time. But I don't love the one I'm currently using... the slut in me wants out.

Katrina said...

I'm definitely a mix. I'm a one bag per person kinda gal, but a purse slut at heart. I just don't have the moolah to buy a bunch of purses all the time, so I lust from afar. At the same time, I would never pay more than $100 for a purse, and even THAT makes my pulse speed up.

The Sassy Chalkboard said...

I'm a bonafide purse slut!! Retweeting you now!
username: laceylovespink
email: laceylovespink @ yahoo dot com

Antoinette said...

I'm only a "purse slut" because I haven't found the right bag to settle down with. Really.

Sarah said...

A vintage purse slut - oh when you're surrounded by beautiful old leather and amazing designs how can you not want to have all of them all the time?

Meg said...

I'm definitely the settle-down type. It takes me for-ev-ver to find a purse I like so once I do I stick with it. I usually buy two purses a year, one for the spring and summer and one for the fall and winter.

Meg said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I'm neither I think. I am NOT a purse slut, that's for sure. I don't really buy purses. I like purses, I just don't buy that many, and if I do I get tired of it to fast. I should defenetly buy myself a new purse...

Megan said...

I would have to say, after much introspection, I am a closeted Purse Slut. I thought I settled down a year or two ago with my nice leather Boden "birthday bag" but, truth is, I am always looking for the perfect bag...So perhaps Im not a Purse Slut but more of a Commitment-phobe. Im looking to cheat on my current purse with something like that FAB, Non Mommie green bag in the middle there.... *sigh*

Katie said...

I'm a settle down type of girl. This is mostly because I'm not organized to continuously switch the contents of my bags and I'd inevitably end up without something I needed (e.g. my wallet). The current purse is canvas and covered with navy, orange and red lobsters. I love it more than I can say.

Wendy said...

I think I'm kind of a hybrid of the two. I'm searching for the perfect bag, but once I find it, I'm sure I'll settle down and have some kids and a backyard with a cute dog. But for now, I'm one hell of a slut.

ambika said...

I am a shoe slut and a serial monogamist with purses. Well, in reality, more of a serial bigamist in that I rotate my 3 but rarely more than a couple of times a month.

& even I'm a bit grossed about by that metaphor.

Anonymous said...

i used to be quite mono-BAG-mous and quite committed to one purse. (actually two purses, but it was the same purse in 2 different colors, so i viewed them as 2 sides of the same purse). recently, i have become a purse slut. a purse whore. and outright purse skank. help me feed my habit!

Beth said...

I'm...hmm, somewhat of an unfaithful spouse.
I settled down a few years ago with a vintage floral bag, and we're pretty happy together.
But y'know..occasionally, when florally works late, I'll be seen canoodling with my friends bags.

. said...

Well, I would be a purse slut, but I'm broke, so...a settler it is.

Beth Woodruff said...

Purse slut, definitely. And my mother is my main supplier...

Unknown said...

I'm one of those sluts who always has a 'go-to' on the side. One for the bike, one for the bar, one for work, one for...who knows. Switch daily and repeat.

Fashun_Dweeb said...

Sadly, I kinda wish I was a purse slut but truth be told I must admit I am a "settle down with a nice purse" type. I would love to have a different purse for every outfit, but I'm plagued with an over active practical gene...dang it! Curses to the little voice inside my head that says..."Do you really need another?" And yes...somehow the pictures of those purses made me crave skittles...Mmmm

smiles1_9 said...

definitely a purse slut. my closet is overflowing with them, i like to switch them up on a daily basis. :)

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