Secondly, the band is stretchy, so when I slipped it on there was none of the hyperventilating, crying, and phantom finger swelling that usually occurs when I put on a ring. Besides the fact that it weighs approximately eight pounds, it's quite comfy and accommodating.
So I bought it. Duh. Plus it was only ten bucks.
When I dropped my mom off at home that afternoon I asked my dad what he thought of my new purchase.
"Good god," he said.
Good enough.
P.S. I don't see a brand name, but I found it at my favorite jewelry store in the whole world: Accessory Appeal (520 Northeast 3rd Street in McMinnville). Seriously guys, if you ever find yourself in Yamhill County, Oregon, have a glass of pinot noir and then go to Accessory Appeal. I love everything in the store, including the adorable owner, Hollyanne.
OMG!! that. is. so. cool.
I love that ring! I remember lusting over a similar one a while ago, but it was by some designer or other and cost about a bajillion pounds, so obviously yours is much better, being a total bargain. If that was mine I would never ever take it off!
That is a cool ass ring! Clearly your parents know a good thing when they see it.
BEST RING EVER. It's so colourful, and busy. Now I want to find a huge awesome ring.
pure ring perfection.
I WANT THAT RING SO HARD. If you ever find a similar one online or something please post about it! That thing is WONDERFUL!
"This ring has a more complex storyline than Avatar."
That is the funniest thing I've seen all week.
Good job.
Fabulous. I love it. :)
Oh my god I went to school in McMinnville and I loved shopping on 3rd street! There used to be an adorable shop where you could get the cutest homemade scarves and accessories, I wish I could remember what it's called. You have to go to Wildwood Cafe and get the Wildwood toast next time you're there, it's french toast rolled in homemade granola and it is amazing!
Crap now I need to go back to Oregon. Also, love the ring. I wonder if it's from the same store I'm thinking of.
haha, your mother's comment was priceless!!
That ring is so cute! I found one similar (I am a ring junkie) in that it had bees and bugs on it, but it was all gold and a knuckleduster one. Oh, I am in love with it! xo
i love that ring! im obsessed with rings! hahha at your mum! my mum says that about some of mine!
That ring rocks! I'm glad they didn't fit a house centipede on it too.
"This ring has a more complex storyline than Avatar."
I didn't know that was a hard thing to do ;)
GORGEOUS ring. I love your mom's reaction, hahaha. I need to borrow your family and go shopping with them for comedic value, okay?
Well. you have a true fear there.
It's called ring-o-stuck fobia.
It happened to me. I chewed on a gold ring while it was still on. I was watching tv. Then I could not take it off.
My grandparents had to take me to the jewelry to have it cut off.
It's real.
YAY go Yamhill County! Whats incredibly sad about this, is I spent 90% of my childhood in McMinnville, and never found anything cool....
Whoa, cool!
That ring is might even say it's..amazering?
Also, personally I am more afraid of getting my ring/s stuck on something and TEARING OFF MY FINGER. Though that doesn't actually stop me wearing them.
It looks so mismatched and fun. I'm going try making one of these!
A from A + B in the Sea
I would love an ecosystem on my hand! I might just stop washing...? Maybe not! I've nominated you for an 'I love your blog' award over on my blog for making me laugh in almost every single post! :)
Sarah x
i just found your blog via your twitter, which i found via melissa blake's twitter... anywhoo..i was howling! too funny. love you blog.
your newest follower
We love that ring.
Love that! You know how I dig on the big rings...I'd have bought it too.
that ring looks so good on you.. kinda reminds me of juicy couture or betsey johnson style! good find, girl! <3
Nice ring.
Wow, I love it! I'd wear it every day.
It really suits you, I wish I could pull off rings but unfortunately I always appear uncomfortable and mess with them too much. Like I'm trying to show them off, but really i just want to take it off and not look at it again.
I'd like to look at that one though. Apart from the wasp/bee.
very colorful, really are eyecathing, love them very much, great design
That ring is stunning! Its like the Dior ones.... I want one so badly! I'm not really a ring person, but for something that pretty I'd put up with something massive hanging off of one of my fingers!!!
This ring is fantastic. If I were to give my opinion, the ring symbolizes a family of which the two pollinators ( bee and the bug ) represents mother and father figure which is nurturing a child in the form of a flower.
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Omg!!! I love that store! I lived in McMinnville for a year and now I live in Dundee, which is only 15 minutes north. They always have tons of cute cheap stuff! No such thing as "just looking" there, you always manage to find stuff to buy.
I read CakeWrecks. The author started a new blog called Epbot. And then she posts a link to yours. So basically I come across your blog COMPLETELY randomly. And I'm FROM McMinnville! How incredibly insane is that?!
WIN! FInally a place to visit in OREGON!!!!! :D
And @Mindy, The SAME THING happened to me.
So, I have special love for your blog because you're local, but I never realized there would be anything THAT local! I live in McMinnville! :) I love that store, and also Red Berry on third. Bella Casa is nice too. I'm tempted to jump in the car and go down and see if they have more of these rings right now!
Thanks for the awesomeness blog. :)
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