When I first saw the word "platypurse" in your tweet, I thought you were referring to any purse that features seemingly incongruous elements all in one handbag--kind of like how a platypus has a duck's bill and feet and the body of a beaver. But now I see you meant it literally, and wow, that's some platypurse!
I'll see your platypus (technically a duckbill platypus - someone with zoology parents should know better) and raise you a nine-banded armadillo: http://www.geekalerts.com/tag/bag/page/2/
This. Is. Amazing! When aim was cool (it's not anymore, right?) my screen name was PlatypusKaty because I make this face that apparantly is a great impression of a platypus. I need this purse.
Ornithorhynchus anatinus: Since there is only one sp. of Platypus extent within the two families of monotremes,the adjective prefix "duck-billed" does not distinguish it from any other exemplars except for extinct sp. and is thereby redundantly redundant. And I love platapodes(pl.) and hope to see one in the wild one day.
I don't know. It's either really awesome or really horrible! I think the shiny puts it firmly in the realm of awesome though. You can't go wrong with shiny.
It's so awesome. I showed my friend, and we're saving up to get one sheep and one hedgehog. (My name means hegehog in some language. How cool is that?) And the sheep will be her graduation gift! Thank you for showing us!!
Aaah, finally we Aussies have contributed something to the fashion world we can be proud of. Next up, the kangaroo clutch and emu arm band. Platypus hugs from Australia! Belinda xxx
Oh my goodness! I LOVE this! I love animal-looking things like this and this shark sleeping bag. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_1q2ulyYdJQ8/SwcTkgiUnRI/AAAAAAAAAR0/nduzT_4vics/s1600/chumbuddy.jpg My sister loves it, too. If only it was also free!
Love it! Makes me want to watch Phineas and Ferb with the kids!
I can't believe it isn't called a Platypurse. I mean...that's just obvious, like round windows on a nautically themed restaurant.
love it.
obsessed with that store, fareal.
When I first saw the word "platypurse" in your tweet, I thought you were referring to any purse that features seemingly incongruous elements all in one handbag--kind of like how a platypus has a duck's bill and feet and the body of a beaver. But now I see you meant it literally, and wow, that's some platypurse!
I'll see your platypus (technically a duckbill platypus - someone with zoology parents should know better) and raise you a nine-banded armadillo: http://www.geekalerts.com/tag/bag/page/2/
Ack! That was MADE for me!
reminds me of a dachshund purse I had years ago. There was a company that was semi-famous for those. I think it was called Patch?
This. Is. Amazing! When aim was cool (it's not anymore, right?) my screen name was PlatypusKaty because I make this face that apparantly is a great impression of a platypus. I need this purse.
So this is definitely my sisters birthday present. Will be posting about this on my blog as well...with link back naturally.
Cute! I do a great platypus face. Maybe you should have a competition where we send you pics for a chance to win it?! LOL, no really maybe?
No wonder my monster backpack has been looking sad, he wants a platypurse friend and who am I to deny a poor depressed monster bag?
ohmygod. its beautiful! glam rock platypus<3!
i feel like you would like this site
i saw your galaxy shoes on it:)
Ornithorhynchus anatinus: Since there is only one sp. of Platypus extent within the two families of monotremes,the adjective prefix "duck-billed" does not distinguish it from any other exemplars except for extinct sp. and is thereby redundantly redundant. And I love platapodes(pl.) and hope to see one in the wild one day.
I want one of those so badly, even though I NEVER use a clutch (I'm too lazy, and I need my hands for holding drinks and gesturing emphatically).
But a platypus? C'mon... I need that.
Holy crap! That is hilarious. Where do I begin? The fact that it is not only a platypus, but a METALLIC platypus to boot? Holy. Crap.
That is amazing. I kinda want it to be my pet and not my purse.
WARGH!!! I love it! I would annoy everyone by swimming it around their heads while they were trying to have grown-up talk x
Better than a narwhal purse? eh? ehhhhhhh?
These comments are making me laugh so hard! I love you all.
that is hysterically awesome!!
i blogged about you and your loveliness today!!!
please ignore link from "siloam" didn't realize I was signed in for work blog...
anywhoo.. that purse is hysterically awesome! I want it!
blogged about YOU today!! :)
I don't know. It's either really awesome or really horrible! I think the shiny puts it firmly in the realm of awesome though. You can't go wrong with shiny.
It's so awesome. I showed my friend, and we're saving up to get one sheep and one hedgehog. (My name means hegehog in some language. How cool is that?) And the sheep will be her graduation gift! Thank you for showing us!!
Aaah, finally we Aussies have contributed something to the fashion world we can be proud of. Next up, the kangaroo clutch and emu arm band.
Platypus hugs from Australia!
Has anyone ever told you how much you look like Sonya Walger? (Penny from Lost)
Has anyone ever told you how much you look like Sonya Walger? (Penny from Lost)
I agree the purse is awesome but I also love the skirt the model is wearing. any idea where to get one of those?
I die! theres so many different other ones! Sign me up for a pig!
This is pure brilliance. How do you *find* these things?!
I really like the pictures you've drawn
Aw, thanks for featuring my purse! <3
And for Sharon, you can find the dress here: http://bit.ly/9SECu7
I love these bags.. I wish I had the piggie purse! They are uber fierce!
wow, look at that, very creative and inspiring, I wish I could design something like that
Oh my goodness! I LOVE this! I love animal-looking things like this and this shark sleeping bag. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_1q2ulyYdJQ8/SwcTkgiUnRI/AAAAAAAAAR0/nduzT_4vics/s1600/chumbuddy.jpg
My sister loves it, too. If only it was also free!
this is very nice, i love those design, very creative and innovative.
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