Take it away, Marty....
This reminds me of my days on the rave scene, all technicolor fur and candy necklaces and ecstasy pills. In fact, I think I danced to trance music with this purse at a charming little warehouse party once upon a time.
I wonder if she remembers me. Most likely not. I had a goatee at the time.
Deer Tail Bandolier Bag, $75
Haha yes I love me some Martin!
Aww I bet Marin looked smashing with a goatee! <3
Long time, no Sheen!
Heehee, thanks for posting this! Martin is a perfectly acceptable substitute.
Ok either that purse is super tiny, or that "deer" tail is super huge. According to Bambi.
Martin on x, look out now.
They make purple animals!? Why haven't I heard about this before? I need one as a pet!
AHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Marty used to give some great light shows back in those days....
For whatever god only knows reason, I like this.
It's probably just because that's my favorite shade of purple. You never see it on anything.
that old bag (pun on how it was once an old dance partner/ she's now a satchel)looks pretty good.
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