I was visiting my parents last week, wearing my yellow rose bobby pins (featured here) because I wear them everyday, when my mom grabbed me by the shoulders and said, "I need to get in on this cute hair clip thing. Teach me the ways!"
We spent the next hour or so browsing Etsy, cooing and shrieking over thousands of adorable clips and headbands. My mom ended up buying a couple different colors of these pansy clips from Lucy Goosey. She generously gave me a few, and I love them.

They look striking in my mom's black hair and my blond hair, and I'm hoping they're cute enough to distract her from wanting grandchildren. At least for a week or so.
Thanks, mom!
I've found that taking my dog home every other weekend is a good deterrent to the grandkids thing. But maybe I should try hair clips too...
I likey I likey. Now, this is not just a shameless plug - but its relevant! I recently did a blog post on DIY flower hair clips (http://www.duskyledoux.com/2010/05/diy-friday-hair-flower-clip-tutorial.html) .. DO IT! You could turn your obsession into some kind of demented hair flower reality like me! (you should see my home/hair now - flowers... EVERYWHERE!) xx
My method is "Ma. You made me into way much of a feminist to rely on a man and to stop my career just to have spawns."
It never works.
I'll try the dog and hair clip thing.
Look at the cutie wearing the hair accessory!
Adorable! I love it when they are designed with both a clip and a pin so that they can be used on both hair and clothes.
Very pretty! I want to try to do more fun stuff with my hair.
OOOH I love the pansy clips! I'm a bit biased though, haha. But my hair is too short for hair things now so boo.
has anyone ever told you that you look a lot like Billie Piper, the UK pop singer and costar of 2005 Doctor Who? because you do =)
and supercute hair accessories!
I'm all about the hair flair. How lovely are you?!
Those are really cute!
dang! far too distracted looking at the pretty lady :)
pansy clips!!!!! Pansies are my favorite flower, AND I need romantic hair frippery for a wedding I am attending. PERFECT.
Beautiful! The floral pins look so great on you!
That clip is super cute. About the grand-kids, that would be a good way for you to re-purpose your "Sorry I'm Late" shirt (which coincidentally, or not, was in the You Might Also Like list below). Just change the "Sorry" to "Congrats Mom".
how pretty!! <3
That flower headband, is to die for.
This blog post made me laugh. Tons.
Your mom sounds adorable. Maybe some of those clips would look good on my black hair, too :) Thanks for posting about these cute floral hair accessories.
Cute bobbies are always a distraction from whatever it was I was focusing on :) Adorbs!
so cute!
C'est très jolie.
J'aime les accessoires capillaires.
So pretty! Those pansy clips can make you look more beautiful. I love the color combinations of violet and white. :)
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