My mom taught chimpanzees sign language and she taught me how to shop and she taught my brothers the
importance of a good bra. To say she is amazing would be an understatement.
I love you, mom!And a very happy mother's day to all the other mothers out there. I hope you never forget how strong and beautiful you are.
Wow, what a cool job! I'm always jealous of your awesome family.
Happy mother's day to all the moms out there!
I wish I could I say my mom taught me how to shop, but it would be more realistic to say she taught me how to solve algebra problems (when I was 8), told me a looked "creative" instead of saying she didn't like my outfits, and that black looks good on everyone.
WHOA! I've been reading your blog and wondering, for awhile now, who your family is, and now I'm REALLY curious!! I am currently in undergrad and aspiring to be a field biologist/ecologist/animal behaviorist/etc...If your parents are ever looking for graduate-level kids to help them with their research, I would love to get in touch with them, if none of you mind such a weird connection! Haha =)
What a sweet tribute...and what a cool mom
Amen sister! I just dedicated an outfit/post to my Mum on Friday here: http://loverssaintsandsailors.blogspot.com
Aren't Mums just the greatest?
Just once in my life I'd like to hug a chimpanzee, or just any monkey. Your mom seems really cool. <3
But did she teach the chimps the importance of a good bra? DID SHE????
This just really reminded me of my aunt... She used to tell my cousin and I that we were really chimpanzees that she stole from the ape house at the zoo when we were babies. If she had had pictures like the one of your mother with chimps... Oh my....
great photo, happy mother's day
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