Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Maybe just don't read this if you haven't seen The Little Mermaid

So, remember a few posts back when I made that little jab about the $1000 Gucci boots that Saks had to put a monthly limit on because apparently women were buying more than three pairs every thirty days instead of using the money to end world hunger? Well, these are them. And they're on sale (
Saks' idea of a pat-ourselves-on-the-back-because-we've-finally-made-our-
wares-available-to-the-peasants sale is dropping the price from $1100 to $800, but still.)

These boots are so incredible that if I were in the ocean sitting on a rock crying after my dad said I could never have them and destroyed my giant sculpture dedicated to them with his electrified triton and then two scary eels came in and lead me to the Sea Witch who sang me a really persuasive song and said I could totally have the incredible Gucci boots if I just gave up my voice forever, I would definitely say "fuck yeah!" in a fit of impulsiveness. And then I wouldn't say anything else. Forever. Yeah, big oops there.

After that spiel, I probably need to apologize to anyone who hasn't seen The Little Mermaid (I warned you), and anyone who appreciates appropriate comma usage (I should have had a run-on sentence alert up there as well). I'm so sorry for your confusion/migraine. Go have some tea. I'm going to continue yearning.

p.s. I've gotten some fantastic entries for the Daddy Likey 100th Post Contest Extravaganza so far, but if you haven't entered yet, there's still time. Hit me with your best shot:


Anonymous said...

Those boots are amazing! Bring on the Sea Witch - I've had 33 years of talking, I'm done!

S. said...

Thanks for reminding me why I'm happy not to be a mermaid. Legs! boots, tights, stockings,heels, heels, heels.

Alice said...

Faboo, darling! Look so sharp you could cut yourself on them.

Carissa Duhamel said...

Those are Gucci? Thats very surprising.

Anonymous said...

i happen to love run-on sentences. but maybe not as much as i love these boots.

Anonymous said...

and, plus, i am so totally excited to see the new digitally remasterd little mermaid. sorry if this comment is inappropriate for a fashion blog. but seriously. can't wait.

Anonymous said...

i think the reason places like saks put limits on items like the gucci boots is not because of women who are totally in love with the boots, but rather because of people who want to make money by reselling them on ebay and elsewhere. like scalping tickets. i'm not a frequent ebay shopper, so i'm sure there are others out there who know much more about this than me, but i've noticed a lot of "hot" items that disppear from the racks at the beginning of the season end up on ebay being bid up like crazy. which pisses me off, because i think this is what happened to the black leather jacket gap had at the beginning of the season that's the only desirable item of clothing i've seen them sell for months... but anyway.

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