Rachel is studying to be an art professor, and she just sent me a picture of these amazingly cool shoes that she deemed "so art professor-y" in what I'm hoping is an ironic homage to my recent Lucky magazine diatribe. Not to condone the dash Y in any way, but she's totally right; they are delightfully art professor-y. In a couple years she is so gonna wear them with fun colored tights and a bunch of flowy layers and some sort of headwrap (you know, if Mary Kate Olsen would just get a damn master's degree in art everyone would stop bothering her about her fashion sense). I met some of Rachel's teachers at her school's Art Prom (long story) and they were the craziest best dressers ever. I'm talking sparkles and robes and the ubiquitous headwrap (they must give you one of those instead of a mortarboard when you graduate from art school). It was such a refreshing change from the parade of blazers and ill-fitting slacks that usually rule the runways of academia. You see, fashion-wise, teaching art is like being able to plead insanity. In a good way.
Awesome art professor-y shoes by Fly London, $114, Zappos.com